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Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals
18 December 2016 - 01:10 PM
Download v5
Not compatible with vanilla / pre-v4 savegames!!
none, I just wanted to vent frustration.
I somehow ended up creating ~70 new skills (the original had 40 spells) and one additional final boss.
Somehow even a little bit of "skilling" is now possible; each new spell/skill adds a few stats; different spells, different stats. With only 36 spell slots for ~90 learnable spells out of ~110, hf.
Btw. if you love Guy and Dekar having little options in battle besides attack, attack, IP, item - you'll be disappointed; even they got some skill options, only ~50 but still some more than maximum spell slots.
I was frustrated with my main project and needed something to vent my stress... and then this happened.
I threw some stuff together, added a fixxer patch, stole some minor patches from Artemis, and called it a day... or 5 weeks.
I didn't really play it, only verified that:
-I can beat the training cave (I actually had to nerf the tutorial mobs, go figure)
-the first required fight with Gades is beatable (the used save even had Dekar at a lower level than now possible, huh)
-the final boss doesn't insta-wipe you at Lv99 (I got him down to half and I had no stat boosts from learned spells)
every other bet is off the table.
Don't expect any balance, I made it after all.
If you ever wanted to play a mod before the idiot that made it had a real chance to, nows your chance.
and I only wanted to play the original once again after... 16 years...? seems like I got marginally sidetracked. Marginally. -
Overview: Todos, Features, Bugs
29 May 2016 - 02:11 AM
Todo - unsorted:
penalty for repeatedly dieing/reviving without Angel Grailmake Kevin's intro "boss" beatable without dieing to avoid unfair death penaltypurpose for INNs after heal light; clears death penalty- expand effect of days; shouldn't be just a one-sided damage boost
- refine AI target selection; "closest alive hero" and "RNG, lol" are dumb/boring
exp bonus for party members that are lower than the leadersilence should block Lv1 techs as well- allow switching away from a hero that is casting
- increase cast time for MT'd spells over their ST choice; always-MT spells are to be excluded
- speed menu navigation up if possible
trap wheel speed should be relative to AGL and LEVEL; lower levels need less AGL to achive a "slow" wheel than high levelincrease exp bonus vs enemies of superior level, add small penalty to underlevelled enemiesadd same for goldre-evaluate crit mechanicsre-evaluate Lv1/2/3 tech damage- 65/25 bonus
HP steal % and cap by difficultyremove "survive with 1 HP while casting"
Todo - Items:
replace Balmunk-level weaponsreplace Krau Soles-level weaponsreplace duplicate Chibikko weaponreplace Levatein-level weapons- final class weapons
- (LATER) modify a couple "common" weapons to be a bit character specific
replace Protect Armor-level armorsreplace FireblazeGold Shield- all other shields, need new feature
Todo - Bosses:
Machine GolemsLugarGildervineFiegmundLandumberDangaardZable Fahr- Darkshine Knight
- Koren
Death JesterHeath- Jagan
- Bigeau
- Dragon Emperor
Dark Lich- Archdemon
Black Rabite
Todo - Regular Enemies:
- AI of most types, too much focus on physical
- minor stat tweaks
Todo - Allies:
- try to make them not behave like lemmings
- change starting level to 1
and add bonus exp for underlevelled allies - start AI already when player controlled Kevin transforms
Bugs (does not mean all will/can be fixed):
- absorbed regular attacks but heal and damage (essentially coming out as 0 damage)
- rare UI bug vs. Mispolm; so far only happened when a physical hit to hit at the exact same frame when poison bubble connects AND poisons.
might not be possible to fix rare chance/dumb conditions for bosses to target themselves- starting stats of party member are as level 1
- Shadow Zero fully heals each transformation
- status effect icon is not removed when the enemy transforms, while the effects are cleared
- game reset when loading a ghost ship event save
- controller issues (especially 3 player) during ghost ship event
- repeated application of snowman/sleep per regular attack causes very bad things to happen
- (max) HP display in the menu is not updated until you switch to a different screen; was never relevant in the base game as max HP was a constant value
- vanilla saves are barely compatible - not the intended way anyway
- the AI may go numb under unknown circumstances, often caused by AT mode/AI switch abuse; in extreme cases the enemy AI may be lost entirely for the rest of the battle
- if a petrify effect hits someone they take 50% damage, this can exceed the 999 damage cap which leads to strange damage numbers like "12MP" due to the way damage display is handled
- the map before the corobokkle forest grants the def up effect upon entering the map and leaving battle; this is required for the corobokkle town event to run at all
- between damage calculation and display is a short delay which can cause issues:
- Lv1 techs rarely do normal damage
- tech bar can drop to 0
- the Lv1 techs invulnerability frames may last longer than intended or not apply at all
- reflected spell damage can be altered by having a regular weapon attack hit in the frame after damage calcutation before the reflected damage is applied
- Lv1 techs rarely do normal damage
- if you pass Genova's room on the way out, it is skipped - necessary, otherwise an event blocks your exit until you beat Bill&Ben
- Lise Giant's Spear can not be put into storage - because that same variable is used for something else that handles the controller
- likewise Adamant Shields can't be put into storage because they share an id with garbage
plans deemed impossible:
- nothing yet/anymore
Final Class weapons
17 May 2016 - 01:11 PM
If you'd force me to choose, currently I'd go with:
-Paladin: Turn Undead affects Undead and Devils/dark creatures (NOT demons)
-Lord: damage bonus and high crit rate vs werwolves and mages (incl. Heath and Koren)
-Swordmaster: reveal weakpoint (target gets for 2*INT frames 1*INT less phys. defense, decreases accordingly to how long this debuff still lasts)
-Duelist: 15% Lv2/3 tech damage boost, total crit rate = 0
-God Hand: non-crits deal 1 damage, crits deal extra damage
-Warrior Monk: MT'd heal light gets same +25% heal power as ST heal
-Death Hand: Lv3 throws deal 999 damage
-Dervish: during battle, attack increases and defenses decrease by 1 each per second (capped at +100)
-Wanderer: Half Vanish deals damage based on maxHP instead of currentHP
-Rogue: chance to crit with spells
-Ninja Master: light attack, no tech gain, high crit bonus, crits get atk bonus based on INT
-Night Blade: 35% Lv2/3 tech bonus damage if below half health
-Grand Divina: cast a Lv1 spell on an ally to empower the next Lv2/3 tech with a respective boost (inc. atk, flat and based on user's INT, overwrites element of tech)
-Arch Mage: reduced spell power, spells inflict stacking damage over time
-Rune Master: spells can't be resisted
-Magus: MT'd spells get ST bonus
-Bishop: medium weapon strength based on PIE, bonus to Lv1 techs
-Sage: passive heal aura, per second can drain 2 MP to heal 3x PIE+5 for one ally or 2x PIE +3 for party - does not profit from any heal modifiers, undead don't get healed
-Necromancer: summon spells that hit a weakness get a damage buff
-Evil Shaman: anti-magic burns unused maxHP away (max HP = current HP); maybe too powerful with Anti-Magic <-> Lunatic (spammable unrestricted 25% HP damage)
-Vanadise: Freya becomes element of the day
-Starlancer: Aura Wave additionally buffs Lv2/3 techs by 10%, Energy Ball also increases crit. damage by 10%
-DragonMaster: Stat Downs become pseudo-Jutsus, dealing additionally some PIE-based elemental Lv1 damage
-FenrirKnight: summon receives 25% damage bonus if the target has any weakness
03 Dec 2016 - 12:29Great job, Congratulations for making this awesome mod :3 I'm loving it!
I'll spread this to the world!
03 Dec 2016 - 12:25Regenerating MP + heal spell = why not heal automatically
03 Dec 2016 - 12:11I'm level 20, I made the class change and killed the Jinn's boss (Harpy) right now, but now my characters fully heal after every fight! This makes all the mobs really easy to beat, is this intended?
Btw, awesome hack, congrats <3
24 Aug 2016 - 02:21Praetarius5018
24 Aug 2016 - 01:122) questions should go there:
24 Aug 2016 - 00:44any method to heal this penalty?
24 Aug 2016 - 00:34for what reason does the max hp of characters go down?
13 Aug 2016 - 02:502) it makes it a bit easier since obviously your stats are a bit higher. but not pathetic; take Lugar, he can still wreck a Lv99 team if you let him.
12 Aug 2016 - 20:48Q2 does overleveling in your hack make any bosses easier / extremely pathetic
12 Aug 2016 - 20:47i noticed u on the forums of dark kefkas hack for super mario rpg armageddon
i personally have enjoyed this game as well..and have found the final bosses of seiken densetsu 3 to be jokes
im fixing to go and attempt your hack..however before i do so might i ask
Q1 do u intend to include bonus optional bosses into your hack?
Q2 doe...