Final Fantasy IX - Unleashed v2.0.9
25 August 2014 - 12:53 AM
Because Landon made it that way. That sounds like a bullshit answer, I know, but the number of animations you can use are limited. You'd really have to ask him yourself, and he is no longer here.
12 October 2014 - 02:15 PM
Just finished the game a few hours ago. The main-story battles are definitely more fun. Btw did you made Ozma susceptible to death? because when it used All Death and somehow Amarant survived and triggered Return Magic. After that the word "Death" appeared on Ozma and the spinning-ball faded into thin air leaving Amarant all alone but nothing ahppen after that. I supposed this is a glitch? The version that I played is v.2.0.3
30 November 2015 - 07:29 PM
Hey all. Found this great mod a while back and loving it immensely, been streaming it on twitch. Just one small issue so far...
Please bear in mind I was a little tipsy when I recoded this so don't take it too seriously
Please bear in mind I was a little tipsy when I recoded this so don't take it too seriously

30 November 2015 - 07:42 PM
While I did laugh at it, I am sure you realize why it can't be as easy as using Life or Phoenix Downs to push those monsters away!
01 December 2015 - 10:56 PM
I suppose that's true. But I guess it's a matter of perspective. The way I see it, it'd give you more options to be on the offensive, which could make things easier. Or maybe not if your timing isn't right.
16 December 2015 - 08:10 AM
JackOfHearts, on 01 December 2015 - 08:33 PM, said:
Yeah, you can still make them undead though, just make them immune to instant death.
Then you can just heal them, chucking a tent/elixir on it would do 9999 damage.
Bit of a necro but im bored at work
/e: incase landon ever reads this/is subbed to the thread
Can we get a stat rebalance on the friendly yan?
More superbosses please and thank you <3
Possible ideas if he wants to completely rework it:
-<insert stat changes>
-nerf baaah's base atk so it doesnt OHK everyone ;_;
-Remove comet so it only knows snort baah and curaga
-give it the move mighty guard & other supporting magics
-teach it dispel so it can screw with your positive status's
-change snort from ejecting a party member to dealing gravity damage or wind damage that uses current hp in the formula if possible so it deals 50% of current hp to entire party &&& halves the parties current mp if they dont have wind absorb/cancel stuff on. (absorb = sustainable kinda hp/mp regen which will probably be needed because..)
And give it the move call (same shit mimics have) except make it call all the bosses in the game backwards starting from deathguise, so its basically a boss rushwith the yan itself as a supporting character whose primary purpose is not to kill you (unless you hit it because baaah is a counter attack) but to make the bosses harder by providing buffs and heals.
Epitaph idea is better & more practical
/e2: Epitaph thingies in Oeilvert also have a move that summons a clone of a party member giving the friendly yan that and actually adding the new spells/battlescripts to the clone would be a really cool alternative aswell.
Just imagine dealing with a 65k hp yan that counters anything that hits it with a partywide attack, buffs and heals a clone of the party who instead of only using physical attacks uses magic and abilities for example:
Quina clone that uses the blue magic your quina has learnt + give her cook, let her eat characters /w less than 1/4 hp and eject them from battle.
A dagger/eiko clone that can summon eidolons that you have learnt.
Vivi using the black magic your vivi knows (glhf magic resistance)
Zidane clone able to steal entire stacks of items(k thats not doable i know) from your inventory along with using his other abilities
Steiner clone with lai sword + snort could very well be an instant game over if you're setup to deal with magic attacks only.
Amarant /w man killer + throwing weapons
Freya probably wouldnt be that annoying to deal with... UNLESS her jump = trance version of the jump.
Clones of course would keep their "mirror" instakill move to up the difficulty.
That change would kinda fits the boss's theme since its a "friendly" monster that just so happens to be the bringer of death and destruction in vanilla.
The clones idea is probably the more practical modification since each mirror the epitaph summons is a unique enemy with unique battle scripts/stats so modification is 100% possible, i think the move itself may need to be modified/changed so that it doesnt pick the same clone/mirror each time its used in the same battle, since having to deal with a random clone/mirror instead of the same one repeatedly would be more interesting but likely less balanced.. If its possible to use variables as the clones stats you could make the clones 25% stronger than the person they're a clone of similar to the way the ronso fight in FFX works. The variables thing also wouldnt make the epitaphs in oelivert who would inherit the modifications OP as hell.
You could balance out "weaker" clones that come into existance by having underleveled/not used characters for the purpose of sandbagging the fight by giving them a doomsday move if the clone doesnt take damage/is still alive after X turns where X is a random number between Y and Z. A good one would be something that jacks up the clones speed to max and makes it only cast healing spells on the yan, which would have the potential to completely reset your progress if you dont stop it.
But yeah the point of using changes like that to the clones would be so the difficulty of the yan fight is proportionate to how strong your characters actually are & what damaging abilities they know, the best case for a yan fight that works like that would be:
-Enough hp in main party to not die to baah
-Item setup that deals with the black/blue/holy magic the casters know in addition to absorbing wind damage to get some much needed free sustain from snort.
-Item setup that also has enough defence not to die to the phys attackers or someone who can use mightyguard/protect/shell
-Vivi not knowing non-elemental black magic/status changing magic unless you wanna waste stones/turns curing it
-Quina either having bad stats so he dies fast or knowing no good blue magic
-Dagger & Eiko not knowing OP summons or having bad stats so they die fast.
To actually meet the best case conditions for that kind of super boss you'd have to get all the way to disc3/4 in a low level game which is another layer of challenge before you even get to the boss itself.
Just a thought/hope/dream, i really should get back to work..
/e3: The yan obviously will never target itself with curaga...
This post has been edited by Kittens: 16 December 2015 - 09:37 AM