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- Last Active:
- 19 February 2017
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- Member Title:
- Hero Gamer
- Age:
- 33 years old
- Birthday:
- February 13, 1984
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- Location:
- Ohio
- Interests:
- Reading, writing, decoding, computer gaming, listening to music, and watching too much anime.
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: SOTN - way to stop gaining experience on each kill?
24 January 2017 - 07:53 PM
SOTN NoXp Patch
http://www.mediafire...N+NoXp+Patch.7z -
In Topic: Final Fantasy VIII (PC) - Requiem v2.2.9
16 December 2016 - 03:40 PM
The level of bosses earlier in the game were reduced in the PC version. However many of their special attacks have been buffed. Overall, the first half of the game is easier. You'll also notice that some late game bosses are far more powerful then they were in the PSX version. The largest difference between the two versions is the removal of enemy level scaling. -
In Topic: Final Fantasy VIII (PC) - Requiem v2.2.9
14 December 2016 - 06:48 PM
Excellent, if the file structure is the same, and the archives weren't altered then it should work. -
In Topic: Final Fantasy VIII (PC) - Requiem v2.2.9
14 December 2016 - 01:58 PM
The PC version is not the Steam version. Whether or not this works with the Steam version I do not know. -
In Topic: Final Fantasy VIII - Requiem v1.2.1
13 December 2016 - 06:58 PM
New version up here...
26 Jun 2016 - 12:19Jimbobwai
18 May 2016 - 11:05SOLIROQUOIS
12 Apr 2014 - 20:07raven
11 Feb 2014 - 08:03Lindaru
24 Dec 2012 - 05:40it would be nice to have Beatrix in party without cheats.
01 Aug 2012 - 06:45Lamponeh
20 Apr 2012 - 06:09Lindaru
05 Mar 2012 - 04:45key
17 Jan 2012 - 13:34Haseo
07 Jan 2012 - 06:56