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- The oeuvre of Joss Whedon
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Topics I've Started
Insane Difficulty Olympics 2017 - Bishop's Challenge!
28 February 2017 - 09:16 AM
Welcome to the Insane Difficulty Olympics 2017!
One year ago six of us here had a class draft challenge. I got stuck on Zombag on my Mediator, Wizard, Knight, Flotiballs, Chocobos only run, and your challenge is to beat the battle that bested me!
Challenge comes is Easy, Medium, and Insane difficulty.
What's on the memory card:
A save file right before Zombag.
Beat the battle! And the one after it, if you like!
Challenge levels:
Insane: You may use only Mediators, Wizards, Knights, Flotiballs, and Chocobos. You may use Squire/Chemist R/S/Ms but not their skillsets. This forces you to win without any kind of revival. (Hint: Mediators' Preach grants reraise. See, e.g., my Queklain kill earlier in the run.)
You may use only Mediators, Wizards, Knights, Flotiballs, and Chocobos but you may also use all Squire/Chemist skills. (The non-use of Item or Basic Skill was an extra self-imposed challenge in the context of the original class draft run.)
Just beat the battle with this save file.
The save file: -
The AI Tournaments Clip Show!
06 October 2016 - 01:14 PM
NBC used to have a commercial for reruns that said, "If you haven't seen it, it's new to you." Rather than organize an AI Tournament (so much work!) I thought I'd ask everyone to share their favorite AI Tournmanet battles. Introducing:
The AI Tournaments Clip Show!
1) Post one of your favorite 1.3 AI tournament battles. Can be your own team or someone else's.
2) No doubleposts. Wait for someone to submit an entry before posting another.
I'll get us started:
LightningHax vs. Pride #42 R2 FFHacktics 1.3 AI Tournament Season 4
Bastard Poetry
30 Jul 2015 - 21:01