We are proud to announce the release of Brave New World 1.8.0, once again proving that we are filthy liars every time we say "this is the last release before 2.0".
In all honesty, though, this is an updated that was spearheaded and brought to fruition by the community as a whole. Special thanks go out to Think and DN for their enormous contributions that made 1.8 possible, as well as to Mishrack, Satarack, and Yuyu for your help with testing. Also thanks to Seibaby for finally putting Brave New World's longest-running known issue to rest, as well as to the rest of the community for supporting us through all these years. You guys all kick ass, and here's to a great 2017!
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Brave New World 1.8.0 Released!
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13 January 2017 - 10:15 PM
Neat, this mod was already really impressive many versions ago when I played
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