Anyone who has played through a good portion of the game can write their own rankings. Use whatever scale you want, but please explain it if it's not the same one I'm using. Keep in mind some of the differences within versions - if a battle has changed drastically since you last played it, such as Goland Coal City when you still had to save Olan vs. the new version where you don't, please note that. All of my rankings are based on battles in the newest version (2.51a as of this post)
All newly added battles that didn't exist in vanilla are now in italics.
Note: Rankings in story battles are based off of not using sidequest equipment or characters. They assume a "normal" party (Ramza, Agrias, and whatever monsters are available at that point in the game; with reasonable stats/equipment/jobs and abilities available). They do not assume excessive amounts of grinding (i.e, Bard in ch 1) or unreasonable recruitment (all 74/74 units).
End sequence ranking assumes lv 99 party (since reaching it at low levels in current versions is an unreasonable assumption). Extra battles ranking assumes a ch 4 party (but you are free to attempt those as soon as it opens for you for the extra challenge).
Note on DD/Extra Battles: Since I have more battles now than I've had the chance to try to figure out myself, and I'm currently in the process of porting failed DD ideas to Extra Battles (along with whatever else seems like it'd be interesting); DD/Extra battles now have an estimated rank if I personally haven't beaten them yet. This rank is estimated based on how hard it feels in attempts and with my own modding experience comparing things such as synergy and complexity with other things in the mod. If I have no clue as to an estimation, it's written as untested. Anyone who has beaten these, feel free to chime in.
Scale: between 0-10, where 0 is "must actively try to lose" and 10 is "evil" Note that the battles are ranked as compared with each other - it's not necessarily an even difference between a 1 and 2 vs. a 7 and 8.
Added: Current average to each chapter, battle count.
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5 (work in progress):
Optional Battles:
Deep Dungeon:
Extra Battles: