I think part of the problem is that the morale system is a pretty abstract thing which doesn't correlate with real-life logistics or anything like that. It's a good system for the game, we just need a better word that isn't completely made up.
I don't really have any objection to just using morale +x or -x as a way of showing an advantage either way, but if you want another word maybe "Support" would work. It's less specific than supplies, maybe they have friends in other cities that are sending encouraging letters or something. It still implies that the squad is (or is not) getting extra help that affects its stats.
Gameplay Videos
09 May 2016 - 03:14 PM
I'm still trying to muddle my way through Saturn emulation. It's apparently in a worse state than N64 emulation. I figured out that SSF is the only emulator that seems to be going anywhere, but it has no native ability to read disc images and the darn thing is only in Japanese. I've worked around some of that, but I may need to track down a Saturn BIOS and fiddle with options I can't read to get anywhere. .gif)
The lack of screenshots of the Saturn port is why I'm so interested to get it working. I'd read that the graphics had been retouched and that oddly the PSX version reused the SNES sprites instead. I do agree that the PSX battle graphics are floaty. The whole thing was put together in a technically competent, but artistically lacking way.
I will play Deneb's Garden, but I got sucked into Rimworld again and my colonists are surviving so far.
The lack of screenshots of the Saturn port is why I'm so interested to get it working. I'd read that the graphics had been retouched and that oddly the PSX version reused the SNES sprites instead. I do agree that the PSX battle graphics are floaty. The whole thing was put together in a technically competent, but artistically lacking way.
I will play Deneb's Garden, but I got sucked into Rimworld again and my colonists are surviving so far.
09 May 2016 - 03:51 PM
Booya! I was apparently only one random tweak away from success!
Screen shots? Here's the whole attract mode loop!
Definitely changes to some of the sprites. Multiple palette tweaks, the Cleric and Ghost are redrawn, the Wizard's robe and the Valkyrie's hair are redone. Something changed with the Gryphon. Everything looks a bit squashed because the emulator doesn't account for the TV's aspect ratio (or I haven't found that option).
Screen shots? Here's the whole attract mode loop!
Definitely changes to some of the sprites. Multiple palette tweaks, the Cleric and Ghost are redrawn, the Wizard's robe and the Valkyrie's hair are redone. Something changed with the Gryphon. Everything looks a bit squashed because the emulator doesn't account for the TV's aspect ratio (or I haven't found that option).
09 May 2016 - 05:28 PM
Hmm yeah some of those changes look pretty good! I was curious to see if the actual stage and battle layouts look good though (assuming you can even reach a battle layout). I suppose it's pretty moot if this ROM can't even be played, but curiosity and all that.
Some potentially good news for this hack: I'm going to experiment with working two things at once, which means work on this hack wouldn't be held up by finishing Nocturne. The goalpost for finishing Nocturne keeps getting pushed out and it's getting to the point where I'm not sure when it'll be done. When working on long term projects, it seems like having a couple things to bounce between works out well, as well as a game to play on the side. Incidentally, Tactics Ogre is the game I've been playing on the side, which also boosts the desire to do some Ogre hacking.
Some potentially good news for this hack: I'm going to experiment with working two things at once, which means work on this hack wouldn't be held up by finishing Nocturne. The goalpost for finishing Nocturne keeps getting pushed out and it's getting to the point where I'm not sure when it'll be done. When working on long term projects, it seems like having a couple things to bounce between works out well, as well as a game to play on the side. Incidentally, Tactics Ogre is the game I've been playing on the side, which also boosts the desire to do some Ogre hacking.