fixes to Return of the Dark sorcerer
4 weeks ago
Yeah, doing a test playthrough, but I've caught a pretty bad cold just today so I stopped. Probably will be a next weekend release, all is going smooth though thus far.
4 weeks ago
During the Cloud and Tifa mission, if Tifa is not in the first character position, she does not learn spells from items.
4 weeks ago
Hopefully this bug has been taken care of with the fixing of the whole Banon/edgar/whatever it was learning spells issue the other day, I'll take a look into it, thank ya.
EDIT: yes it seems to be working correctly now.
EDIT: yes it seems to be working correctly now.
4 weeks ago
i noticed Gi that sometimes Golbez ulearn some spells Like virus,fireball etc, basic spells can you fix that
4 weeks ago
I'm not sure what causes that, except maybe shared/conflicting RAM. I tried to fix it many times but to no avail, so for now I am giving up on trying to fix that issue. Luckily it seems to just be the basic spells yes. Did you notice when or how it happened? I've been unable to recreate it many times, so it's hard to fix as you could imagine... Did he come with the spells lost in the WoR when you recruit him? Or after that? Before in the WoB? Every little detail can help when trying to fix these stubborn bugs.
4 weeks ago
well when the he first joined the Party on the floating continent and the three bosses zuriel ,Zemus And raditz he was with all his inital spells when i got him back i WoR he was fine just Like WoB bosses that he joined in the party before when i got in the ancient castle and fought some battles fireball was not in the list i he was fine until the ancient castle and another thing that i noticed in the phoenix cave when FuSoYa was in the screen on the entrance his sprite was in a diferent color that my info
4 weeks ago
well that at least what i noticed Pyrelite in the ancient castle he had the same issue to that Golbez losing some of the basic spells
3 weeks ago
i found another bug when i defeated blue spike hell spike dont come and the battle ends no reward that is strange my party was Avalon , Otis,Eiko and Oboro and eiko have Ultima and he died like a normal enemy he didn die like a boss that is a bug? or that is normal? becuse im playing on znes i dont know why that happend if someone see this please report if this thing happens
3 weeks ago
amd when i killed blue spike hell spike didnt apear before blue spike and the battle ended with no fanfare and no tiger claw and i get tiger claw in other location?
3 weeks ago
OK can confirm this, the AI death routine seems to be broken for Expert and Insane, while Normal and Hard work fine. The AI scripts for the Tiger is identical for all difficulties, so I'm not too sure what could cause this. I have noticed before some AI buginess with some battle event stuff caused by an unknown factor, possibly just how much AI bytes are used in total for all monsters -- it seems once you use up a ton of bytes, there might be a bug that spawns with certain AI. But that was always for the easy/normal difficulty and was isolated to battle events... I'll mess around with this here and hope to fix it. Be on the lookout for any others please that might mess up, so far it sounds like that one is the only one thus far.
3 weeks ago
well another thing when i killed shijimas f.cristal three times with cloud force steal limit he died like a normal normal enemy he didnt come back after a time but the battle when i killed shijima ended normaly but another thing the rest of the bosses ended normaly well for the boss rush i hope this dont happen again on the blue, and hell tiger battle well thanks Gi
3 weeks ago
With Madsiur's knowledge of a possible bug discovered by Imzogelmo, we might have figured out why it does this - after a certain amount of AI bytes have been used in a bank buggyness can/will happen, and it looks like I may be floating too close to or gone over this amount. Removing some AI bytes fixes up this issue for the Blue Tiger, who happens to be the very last monster of all the monsters, which is very good considering the damage could be a lot more if this wasn't found out now, as all the monsters before seem okay.
So that's what I'll do, remove some bytes until the tiger works right and hope nothing else is affected. It's kinda sad, I was hoping to use up all the 34470 bytes left of free AI space someday
But it seems I cannot/should not go past this limit, which means I guess my AI is done forever... Unless someday this issue gets addressed, it sounds like a possible hack could be made to fix this, but nobody's working on it atm.
So that's what I'll do, remove some bytes until the tiger works right and hope nothing else is affected. It's kinda sad, I was hoping to use up all the 34470 bytes left of free AI space someday

3 weeks ago
Gi Nattak, on 01 April 2017 - 02:44 PM, said:
With Madsiur's knowledge of a possible bug discovered by Imzogelmo, we might have figured out why it does this - after a certain amount of AI bytes have been used in a bank buggyness can/will happen, and it looks like I may be floating too close to or gone over this amount. Removing some AI bytes fixes up this issue for the Blue Tiger, who happens to be the very last monster of all the monsters, which is very good considering the damage could be a lot more if this wasn't found out now, as all the monsters before seem okay.
So that's what I'll do, remove some bytes until the tiger works right and hope nothing else is affected. It's kinda sad, I was hoping to use up all the 34470 bytes left of free AI space someday
But it seems I cannot/should not go past this limit, which means I guess my AI is done forever... Unless someday this issue gets addressed, it sounds like a possible hack could be made to fix this, but nobody's working on it atm.
So that's what I'll do, remove some bytes until the tiger works right and hope nothing else is affected. It's kinda sad, I was hoping to use up all the 34470 bytes left of free AI space someday

oh, the one that Seibaby or Dn (or someone else) was talking about? don't remember if, aside pinpointing the problem, they also talked about a solution try ask them, even because... in my hack it would be a tragedy: i already know i'll use a massive amount of code for AI since it's the core of it