Hello! I just downloaded this game a few days ago, and am enjoying it so much I decided to join and tell everyone. I personally have no complaints or anything. Just really excited this kind of thing exists. I love so many of the old snes games, but a l lot were way to easy, like chrono trigger and FF6, which I see is here as well.
I'm currently about to do Isle of Avalon. I find all the maps to be very challenging so far, perhaps in small part to me being a perfectionist and wanting a very particular kind of army.
One thing I don't remember from the original, and may be a bug or intentional, not sure. I noticed that when I go back to maps I've cleared, if I stay longer than a day or two, my reputation starts to drop really fast. I noticed it in pogrom forest farming ghosts and skeletons. My reputation was nearly full, I got lucky with lovers and whatnot. I wasn't even paying attention, but saw my reputation was down by half after perhaps 10 days.
If it's intentional I can see the rational. "Why aren't you rebels fighting the empire? Stop killing all our undead wildlife." Just curious if that was something that was intended or not. It could be a good balance thing. But I think in the original the reputation only went down on active maps if you stayed too long to acquire more money. Since that can't happen anymore, just curious what your thoughts were.
Overall, excellent mod. It's like a whole new game for me. Really worthwhile. Excellent job.
New Ogre Battle Hack Progress
05 July 2015 - 04:34 PM
Thank you for the compliments. .gif)
The reputation thing was in the original game as well, and functioned the same in cleared stages as it did in active stages. I haven't fully decided how to handle neutral encounters, and hence I haven't changed any of the handling there yet.
The reputation thing was in the original game as well, and functioned the same in cleared stages as it did in active stages. I haven't fully decided how to handle neutral encounters, and hence I haven't changed any of the handling there yet.
06 July 2015 - 05:08 PM
As an update: I've been working on re-re-coding enemy battle tactics. I wanted to increase the flexibility and expandability of my implementation here. As a result, no longer will enemies have a single tactics setting. Instead, a series of settings will determine their targeting behavior, and these settings may be combined in various ways.
This has required massive restructuring of most of my changes to tactics thusfar, but going forward it should be easier for me to make additions and changes to these settings.
This has required massive restructuring of most of my changes to tactics thusfar, but going forward it should be easier for me to make additions and changes to these settings.
10 July 2015 - 12:03 PM
I finished the tactics redesign this morning and have now moved on to testing them. With any luck, I can finish this testing today, though I do have quite a few tests to run. After that, I'll need to test out undead. And after that, I can begin playtesting of Pogrom Forest!
13 July 2015 - 06:37 AM
I've been looking forward to this. Will the save files be compatible between versions of the game?
13 July 2015 - 09:27 AM
All In The Lap of the Gods save files will be compatible, Ogre Battle Hardtype saves won't be compatible. I finished up my debugging of enemy tactics and made most of the changes to undead. Just have to tweak their balance some, but I'll probably need to get Pogrom Forest up and running to do that. Speaking of: I'm in the process of creating the enemy movement paths now, and then I'll playtesting the stage along with field testing undead!
15 July 2015 - 12:50 PM
Playtest of Pogrom Forest is now underway. Predictably had to splat some bugs related to enemy map movement and one with undead, but things seem to be running smoothly. Should hopefully have the stage up by tomorrow!
16 July 2015 - 05:08 PM
Welp, finished up my playtest of the stage, but there is a lingering bug with map movement that I haven't been able to get resolved yet. The game *really* doesn't love the idea of enemies units standing still. I'll be working on it more tomorrow, and hopefully can get it sorted out.