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In Topic: Mario Weapons!?
3 weeks ago
LongSword25, on 20 March 2017 - 12:30 PM, said:
his 3 best weapons are his brothers hammer (beat all 3 of the anti-shyguys to obtain it) the ultima weapon (beat a final fantasy boss to obtain it, up to you to find out where said boss is) and the galaxy shell (pretty easy to find out who gives it to you but up to you to figure out how to get it from them)
as for storing items, no there is presently no way to store items aside from gold bars
you have to beat the anti guys inside the tower before you beat booster? or? -
In Topic: Mario Weapons!?
3 weeks ago
hacksareepic, on 21 March 2017 - 08:56 AM, said:
deadshot when you say store items you can get up to 30 items (I think its 30 on your regular menu). Is this what you are talking about?
i keep seeing DK and doomsday say stuff like "item collector" and on the hammer bro quiz he asks, "where is the item collector located?" and the answer is at marios pad.... i guess they mean Yoshi because he collects items for you??? i was thinking it was like a bank to where you can store items and get them later. that would be nice lol -
In Topic: Mario Weapons!?
19 March 2017 - 12:01 PM
In Topic: Mario Weapons!?
19 March 2017 - 11:57 AM
whats mario's best weapon and how do you get it? also is there any way you can store your items??? -
In Topic: Game freeze V8
28 December 2016 - 03:12 PM
Exor on easy mode is a laggy fight for me. It only lags when i attack exor and not the eyes or mouth. When i get him to low health it freezes whenever i try to execute any attack or spell but not when i block.... but i guess we should just wait for v.9
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