Reaction/support changes:
Several of the old passive reaction abilities (Blade Grasp, Abandon, Arrow Guard, Finger Guard) have been moved into support slots. Gilgame Heart and Weapon Guard are removed. In the case of Weapon Guard, removing the check for that ability makes the W-Ev always active and empties the Weapon Guard slot. The reason for these changes is because passive abilities do not need a reaction flag to work, it isn't feasible to expand the reaction flags table, and I've figured out the coding required to turn these slots into actual reaction abilities. There will be 8 new react with ability on trigger of my choice. I haven't decided yet what I want to do with all these slots, but they will all see use in some way eventually.
Because I was able to tap into completely blank slots this way with no loss in useful abilities for the AI, and Face Up's usual functionality can be changed pretty easily to any other stat up changes, there's a 9th new reaction ability. Meatbone Slash is now changed in a way that makes it more useful to bosses.

There are also a couple completely new support abilities. Runic (works like a Blade Grasp for attack magic), Anger Point (doubles damage done by a critical unit). A few have given me ideas worth pursuing for more abilities, though I still need to figure these out.
New battles:
The more recent versions of the game have added a lot of new battles. Since by default, Ramza isn't required with new things added to the game this way, and the only thing that happens if you don't pick Ramza for these battles is the cutscene might look a little funny, I've kept them as Ramza optional. This is for people who want an additional challenge. Pick Ramza to see the way the scene is supposed to look.
New battles can be added easily almost anywhere there's an event that plays. This means some areas will turn into gauntlet style battles (like the new Goug), while some existing gauntlets can be expanded. Some unique enemies will be created for these battles by consolidating existing classes as needed.