In this episode, I cut my way through half the Imperial Army. Granted, they all suck, for the most part, but I do. It's not really different from a normal playthrough (excluding Telstar) because everything still dies in one hit, and they're unlikely to deal 100 damage before a battle ends. Telstar, on the other hand, really is dangerous, but he decided not to show his true colours here. He literally just sits there after Megazerking me. I swear that there's an issue with the counterattacks in this game that causes enemies to wait patiently for their death sometimes, but I can't put a finger on it.
Blindfolded FF6 LLG
03 May 2014 - 11:43 AM
In this episode, I cut my way through half the Imperial Army. Granted, they all suck, for the most part, but I do. It's not really different from a normal playthrough (excluding Telstar) because everything still dies in one hit, and they're unlikely to deal 100 damage before a battle ends. Telstar, on the other hand, really is dangerous, but he decided not to show his true colours here. He literally just sits there after Megazerking me. I swear that there's an issue with the counterattacks in this game that causes enemies to wait patiently for their death sometimes, but I can't put a finger on it.
10 May 2014 - 07:12 AM
In what is possibly the most riveting segment yet, I run from more random encounters.
18 May 2014 - 08:33 AM
Yeah, I thought the random encounters might be a little dangerous (especially Blaze spells), so I was worried about being hurt badly by those. Navigation however, seemed pretty straightforward. And I mean that literally, as it was actually just a straight walk to the left, for the most part.
However, fate decided to throw some irony my way. Every battle was a preemptive strike, side attack, or just contained really apathetic enemies. I never took any damage whatsoever. On the other hand, half the NPC's on the train (in essence, the ones that don't fight you) decided to mess with my head in weird ways. It did virtually no damage to my ability to get through the train. On the other hand, I was totally clueless as to what this segment actually looked like until I watched it just now. It's weirdly disconcerting.
25 May 2014 - 05:11 AM
Ghost vs. Ghost fight to the death! They both lose! Or maybe since they're dead already, they both win! Or maybe Sabin wins? I don't really know anymore.
05 June 2014 - 05:19 PM
Unlike BNW, this fight is actually pretty deadly. Acid Rain is pretty much the judge, jury, and the executioner on this one. It's more luck than skill, but still worth watching.
12 June 2014 - 06:22 PM
Unless you have a Blindfold on, then that piece of advice is pretty useless..

Rhizopas is even easier here than in BNW. Just three hits for an easy win. The Piranhas do nothing here either.
06 July 2014 - 08:40 AM
Unlike the BNW version of this segment, this one might actually be worth watching (even though there's not a whole lot of tricky fighting). Two thirds of this segment was not planned out in any way, shape or form. That means I was completely guessing my way through, which of course come out as a debacle.
Furthermore, here's an explanation of just how I get Blindfolded Rages. Say I want to get Trillium:
1) Look back through my earlier videos to determine which Trillium formations I have encountered.
2) I keep Djibriel's wonderful Rage FAQ handy, and fight through a cycle of every "pack" that I have encountered a monster from (with my eyes open, I'm not actually getting the Rage yet). I make a list of these packs. If you do not understand how the packs/formations on the Veldt work, and you want to know more, you can Google the Rage FAQ for an explanation. The tl;dr version is the Veldt encounters are organized into packs that each contain seven or so monster formations that will only show up if the player has encountered them. Each time you fight a formation from a pack, the next encounter will essentially be a formation from the next pack.
3) Use the FAQ to determine which packs contain Trillium formations that I have encountered. Noted it down on my list.
4) Now's the time to put my blindfold on. I reload my save state (to erase everything that I did with my eyes open), save/reset (I do this because if I simply loaded a save state, I would know which formation I fight first, and that would be cheating), and put it on. Now I have to fight encounters until I can determine (or at least have a reasonable guess at) which encounter I'm fighting. The 2X Soldier, 2X Templar encounter is great for this, as it is very distinct and shows up every cycle due to being the only formation in its pack that I have encountered as of now.
5) Continually moving through the list, I keep track of which pack I am currently fighting, until I get to a pack that may contain a Trillium. Then I Leap Gau, and play until I get him back. I save the game and shut it off.
6) Now by the rules that I'm playing with, I can check if I have the Trillium Rage in what would normally be "off camera" if I were recording my Veldt segments like everything else. If I got Trillium, great! If not, I have to repeat steps 4-6 again.
This may seem complicated and time-consuming, but I estimate that it is far faster than guessing randomly, especially as the number of formations that I have to sort through increases.
07 August 2014 - 06:24 PM
In the first three minutes, there was a spanner in the works. Otherwise, this segment was straightforward.
24 August 2014 - 09:12 AM
This episode was a lot of fun to make. It probably had the largest amount of time spent practicing compared to the length of the segment, out of all the other segments that I've made to date. In BNW, I fought every soldier, but here I had to avoid every one, and both routes came with their own unique challenges.
10 September 2014 - 05:01 PM
This is essentially the same as the BNW segment. Definitely don't bother with both.
11 September 2014 - 12:19 PM

07 October 2014 - 06:47 PM
Thanks for the views, Stann's tablet!
Again, not different from BNW. I just don't buy stuff or get lost, which saves five minutes.
19 October 2014 - 08:46 PM
This is a segment that happened.
27 October 2014 - 06:44 PM
Similar to BNW, but this time I accept the chocobo riding without getting it perfect, so I end up in the middle of nowhere and have to leg it.
03 November 2014 - 07:36 PM
The luck in this segment is pretty weird. I'm thrown off course by strange bad luck, and recover effortlessly through strange good luck. Other than that... um... I set the time?
05 December 2014 - 09:54 AM
Segment 35: From Rags to Riches
Wait, two episodes at once? Yeah, I thought I had posted the first one already. So now they're both coming at once. The first episode is my adventure through Zozo and the fight against Dadaluma, which is stupidly easy. The second is a trip to Jidoor, which is short and simple. Neither segment is worth watching in comparison to the BNW versions.
24 December 2014 - 01:40 PM
This segment is mostly identical to the BNW segment, but since I did it first, the stuff at the end is truly improvisation.
31 January 2015 - 04:32 PM
Finally, another segment! This time I finish off the Opera House, which is essentially BNW lite again.
08 February 2015 - 06:01 PM
There's a good reason to watch this segment, I swear! Just give me a second to think...
Just a little longer please...
16 February 2015 - 11:09 AM
This is two segments because I said so. Deal with it.