TytoCorvus, on 23 December 2011 - 11:33 PM, said:
(Especially with quickman and shadowman) those are gooing to suck. keep 'em coming!
Quick Man as a boss is going to give me no end to problems. In fact, he's theoretically so luck-based that a person might not get it in their life time while keeping sane. Air Man is lucky in NOT getting the unavoidable tornado pattern AND not hitting a tornado with a shot. Bubble Man is all about his stage, as the Lanternfish with the Shrimp are going to ruin 95% of my runs. Believe it or not though, I have Wood Man down to a science at this point (since he's my next target) but it's all about getting past the 3rd Hot Dog and then the Pipi/Gorilla/Bamboo area.
Shadow Man will be one that, if I can get him down, it'll be a damn miracle. Needle Man is just... do it until he dies, because eventually he won't randomly fuck you with the spread on his Needle Cannon or randomly won't land on you. Nothing else in 3 (as a boss) will give me issues, but I will say that a stage or two will be problematic (I'm looking at Spark Man's in particular).
If I don't pay attention, Bright Man will guarantee me getting hit because his Bright Stopper is health-based. Dive Man's speed and the homing capabilities (and small size) of his Dive Missiles will be trouble. Pharaoh Man is just fast and can corner you easy. DRILL MAN AND DUST MAN FOR THE INVULNERABILITY PHASES. RING MAN'S ENTIRE STAGE.
The only ones in MM5 I can see presenting any problem will be Charge Man, for the same reasons as Drill Man. Possibly Crystal Man if I get caught up dodging the Crystal Eye. Everything else is peaches in this one. Maybe a stage or two will catch me off guard (Stone Man's stage simply for the length)
MM6 doesn't seem to bring anything to the table except Flame Man's random fire walls that block shots, and possibly Tomohawk or Yamato Man's fights. Not sure what stages will be problematic, though.
That about wraps up what's going to be true nightmares in this challenge.
Kaffe Myers, on 26 December 2011 - 10:00 PM, said:
Anyway, I haven't looked through these, but I will will eventually. I have read everything here, though. Serdash got most of it covered, though. And yes, the OCDness is wide-spread here on ID, it's just that we have it scattered in different areas. So, something that is insane to one OCD person will be quite natural to the next, but we will all understand that it is possible to vade through all these weird challenges. :]
It is an insane restriction. Not missing a shot adds a whole new world to this game. It makes you paranoid of EVERYTHING, INCLUDING the controller itself randomly firing off. I agree about how 'challenges' can be insane to different people. Example, I could never speedrun Super Mario and would think it's crazy to see all the things people can do in Super Mario World (what with block factory tricks and such), and I'd think anything like that would be an insane challenge