In vanila fft I tried my hardest to lose the very first battle and won, in this game I tried my hardest to beat it and lost. how is this possible?
Lost at Orbonne
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10 November 2015 - 11:47 AM
Maybe it has something to do with your username.
Seriously though. Orbonne is not hard in this mod. Go for the brute force, and try to attack from the sides or the back to get the least evasion possible. Aim for the rezzers, the ones who have wish and the chemist. Not much to say more than that.
Seriously though. Orbonne is not hard in this mod. Go for the brute force, and try to attack from the sides or the back to get the least evasion possible. Aim for the rezzers, the ones who have wish and the chemist. Not much to say more than that.
10 November 2015 - 12:25 PM
Luck can be a huge factor. I lost there once in 1.3 even though I made no huge mistakes.
Some general advice:
Prioritize the strongest enemies (or ones with resurrection), don't spread out damage because it's more important to kill enemies and thus take less damage, go for accurate attacks, check the zodiac compats and most importantly wait in place to save CT if you aren't required to move.
Some general advice:
Prioritize the strongest enemies (or ones with resurrection), don't spread out damage because it's more important to kill enemies and thus take less damage, go for accurate attacks, check the zodiac compats and most importantly wait in place to save CT if you aren't required to move.
10 November 2015 - 01:52 PM

Welcome to ID. Pretty much, what Quad and Hart already said. A few more specifics:
1. Using Meteorite with your War Chocobo in place of Missile will do a bit less damage but can't miss any of those enemies. You can do this in the first turn if you can't get a good position behind or on the sides of enemies.
2. Unlike in vanilla, the sword skills out of Agrias and Gafgarion can be evaded. Positioning on the back/sides is important with them too.
3. Pay attention to zodiac compatibility (Tooltips the zodiac signs - they're actually correct in this mod!). A unit will do more damage to and take more from a good compat unit than from neutral/poor.
4. Most of these enemies have CT save as their primary reaction. If you've ever played 1.3, it's the same amount (+20 ct) but since it's written over a different ability, it's a physical trigger. Which means a physical attack has a chance to trigger it, whether or not the attack actually hits or deals damage.
5. Prioritize killing the units in this approximate order, if it makes sense to do so with positioning/compatibility/how the ct's line up: Red chocobo (war) > Green chocobo (medic) > Chemist > Baatezu > Purple chocobo (mystic). Why? War chocobo has the best moveset (including Wish and several offensive options), and is 7 speed. Medic chocobo and Chemist have 7 speed also but are more limited in what they can do to you, but since they can also revive they're lower in priority. Baatezu hits hard and can heal/revive, but is only 6 speed. Mystic Chocobo is last because it can't revive.
6. Finally, this isn't vanilla. No more battles where actively trying to lose will still give you the win.

10 November 2015 - 06:10 PM
Since people have already given serious replies, I'm just going to leave this here.

11 November 2015 - 03:51 PM
Thanks everyone finaly managed to beat it, now I'm at the mandalia plains. Trying to use a save editor to get a ton of gil for healing items but I just can't seem to figure it out.
11 November 2015 - 05:24 PM
You're not going to need a ton of gil for Mandalia (or any, really)... Bring the chocobo and bird if you're looking for resurrection, and make sure Ramza has Wish learned. Oh, and don't pick #2.
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