You read that highly awesome picture right, it's time once again for the most hyped event of the year. Any and all players are welcome to join. The rules are simple. Each week, starting with the first, will have one game to compete in. There will be a simple set of rules that you must adhere to, and a goal to achieve. Each participant will be graded on their performance in accomplishing the goal, and points will be awarded based on their performance.
First place will be awarded 10 points, and each successive place one point less, to a minimum of 1. Late submissions will be worth half of their possible score, so if you would've placed 3rd but you submitted late, you would be awarded half of 8, or 4 points. But remember! The point isn't to win, it's to rage!

To give everyone ample time to be aware of this event, and prepare, the first event's deadline will be August 3rd. Your recorded video should be uploaded by the deadline, preferably to YouTube but anything will do I guess. I won't be choosing any games beyond the PSX/N64 era, because many people are still running Windows on a potato and wouldn't be able to participate. The second event will be revealed on the 4th to give everyone an equal amount of time to prepare, and to let everyone focus on the first event.
Event Listing
August 3rd, 2014: Defeat Elec Man if you can - Mega Man (NES)
The first event will consist of a challenge run of Elec Man's stage for the NES Mega Man. The goal will be to beat Elec Man and his stage while taking the least amount of hits in the process. There will be no extra penalties for death, and any instant death (aka spikes) will count as one hit. The person who takes the least number of hits wins. I'm sure someone will be able to perfect this BS stage, right?

August 10th, 2014: The Fragile Herald of Points - Silver Surfer (NES)
The rules are pretty simple for this one. Choose one of the five stages to play on, and try to get as many points as possible without dieing. From the little bit I played of it this morning, I found out that there is a mini-boss on one of the stages that spawns infinite minions so I'll have to add a "No farming endless enemy spawns." rule, or else it would just become a competition to see how long someone could spam the fire button. I also found out that this game is bullshit, so good luck everybody.

August 17th, 2014: Street Fighter Alpha 3: No Continues Endurance (Playstation)
Playing on difficulty 8 Arcade mode, beat as many fighters as you can without continuing. Play as whoever you wish, on any ISM mode you wish. All ties will be settled by score.
August 26th, 2014: She's Riding Her Minecart to Hades - Gunstar Heroes (Genesis)
Playing on Expert difficulty, defeat Green on level 2. You may use any weapon as your starting weapon, and choose either hero to play as. This is a speedrun folks, beat the stage as quickly as you can. If there are any ties, which is rather unlikely, they will be settled by score.
September 2nd, 2014: Parody is the Sincerest Form of Difficulty - Parodius: Non-Sense Fantasy (SNES)
The next challenge is going to be a one life endurance run of Parodius: Non-Sense Fantasy for SNES. This is the final event, so I decided to go with a light-hearted game. (Though don't underestimate it, it's a challenging game.) Use the default Options settings, 1 Player mode. Pick any of the four ships, automatic or manual upgrade mode is your choice. Whoever makes it the farthest wins. No retries! YOLO!
If you're interesting in participating, just let me know. The more people we get, the more fun it will be for everybody. If anyone would like to participate, but doesn't know how to record game play, let your voice be heard. Anyone here would be more than willing to help you out.
With all that said, good luck to everybody.