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In Topic: Suikoden 2 Hardcore version 1.3
21 March 2017 - 11:16 AM
Good luck. -
In Topic: Suikoden 2 Hardcore version 1.3
21 March 2017 - 10:51 AM
Valvatorez, on 19 March 2017 - 04:12 PM, said:
Choirboy... you're a legend. Suikoden is my fav rpg franchise with its only flaw, always being too easy. I'm currently re-playing the first Suikoden right now, so i need to finish that first but i'll be sure to get into this mod soon.
I tried the game out for about 15 minutes after patching the iso and i'm lovin' the changes so far. I've played thru S2 so many damn times in my life it's hard to just dive right in again though, so it could be a while before i get in the mood for completing the whole game again.
I'll be sure to stop in and give feedback after i get into playing this seriously, thanks!
I know this is chiefly a difficulty modification, but it would be really cool if you plan to continue working on this in the future to maybe balance the power of the cast out so some formerly "meh" and not worth using characters are decent. It would do wonders for the games replay value. Also, i heard there was no edit tool for Suiko 2, did you craft your own? I would love to have a go at editing the the first game if your tool could be made to work on it.
Thanks for the feedback. Good luck beating the mod.
Nope, not a legend...yet. -
In Topic: Suikoden 2 Hardcore version 1.3
21 March 2017 - 10:35 AM
I read a post where one person could change the parameters for war battles. -
In Topic: Suikoden 2 Hardcore version 1.3
21 March 2017 - 08:58 AM
The first document i looked at to achieve this mod is called suikoden 2 bestiary at the suikosource website. There's a lot of users there who found much info on the s2 codes. They seem to be focused on gameshark code creation.
From what i could scavenge there, modifications on monsters, monster drops, some initial characters, some spells and spell unlocks have been made.
I can tell there's a lot of potential to modding Suikoden 2.
I found and tried a suikoden 2 save editor. I couldn't save the changes, maybe it wasn't finished. -
In Topic: Hellish dream
10 March 2017 - 07:43 AM
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