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ROTDS 1.7: insane mode (no NG+) playthrough
08 January 2017 - 01:25 PM
It's been a while since my latest playthrough!
Since in the new version of ROTDS(1.7) Gi Nattak added a 4th difficulty that was supposed to be played only after starting a NG+, i decided to verify if it was possible to play this difficulty starting from 0.
The fact i'm posting this thread means that (after succeeding to escape from Narshe) this is not anymore just an attempt, i think i already confirmed that it's possible to do it, so here we go... the first 5 segments are already available:
Part 1
there's one very important trick that can help a lot, or being even essential to start the run:
1) set battle speed at 1;
2) set battle messages speed at 6;
3) trigger "Can't run!" message in battle intentionally: while the message is displayed no one can act, but ATB is still filling itself for everybody,
this can prevent being barraged from enemy attacks before even getting an action, requires some knowledge to use it properly, if used in the
wrong way it can even backfire you! (you don't attack and enemies fill their ATB meanwhile)
Technically the whole concept of feasibility of this run revolves around the fact of being able to reach the first save point: if you can do it
then you can save and fight random encounters as much as you want(and if you want it that bad you can grind until being overlevelled)
there are 2 big obstacles on the way:
- the mandatory pincer attack, this one is the worst fight;
- the prinny squad.
Part 2
the first two bosses are feasible without too much troubles, as far your allies have at least 200 max HP, well... enjoy the M-tek armors
as far you control them, real shit starts from when you travel alone with Aurora...
Part 3
Moogle war is kinda vicious: blue beasts are deadly, besides Marshal kicked my ass, in the next segment i'll start with Aurora which have
already got enough levels to make the fight reasonable(until level 9, don't know if it's possible below that level)
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