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Topics I've Started
ATB Modification Patch - Speed Nerf
A week ago
Obligatory plug of a reflect graphic patch that needs testing
So after much discussion, algebra, spreadsheet work, and help/advice from many others we've made a patch that changes the ATB formulas. These are very tiny patches (Headered) (Unheadered) that simply tweak the formula used to fill ATB gauges.
Current BNW formula: (1.5 * (75 * (SPD + 20)) / 16)
New Formula: (1 * (75 * (SPD + 51)) / 16)
(Slow changes the 75 to 60 and Haste changes the 75 to 90, those numbers are unchanged)
This results in ATB gauge fill times, for both enemies and party members, being "pushed" toward a base value of 42. Characters with a speed of 42 would remain unchanged. Characters with speed below 42 should play faster than before (without actually being faster than a 42 speed character) and characters with speed above 42 should play slower than before, with higher speeds being heavily affected.
This does not do any of the following:
- Change status timers
- Change the effect of haste or slow
- Put a cap on speed in any way
- Change enemy scripts or stats at all
This last point is very important point. Enemies that use global timers risk having scripts that don't work properly anymore, as the global timers are not adjusted to account for the enemy's new attack rate. In addition, there are potential balance issues for enemies with more extreme speeds being notably stronger (in the case of low-speed enemies) or weaker (in the case of high-speed enemies).
These notes (enemy balance and enemy scripts breaking) are a major reason why these patches would need to be tested before being fully implemented. While status timers are unchanged, it's worth looking and seeing if Sap, Regen, Poison, or any other status that is based on a timer is made too significantly stronger or weaker thanks to the relative changes in speed.
Credit to Seibaby for actually making the patch (My contribution was algebra and testing to find a formula that doesn't make speed TOO weak) - Change status timers
Rage Reference Sheet
15 March 2017 - 06:30 PM
I love Gau. He is great fun to use and his Rages bring a lot of options to the table. However, players often find it easier to stick with a few core rages and just use them because... well... details for 64 Rages is a lot to remember. The printme has all the info the player needs to know everything about all the Rages but the info is spread across multiple tables and tabs.
So I've decided to do something to remedy it. I've taken the information from the printme, along with some information regarding some locations of the formations, and put it all in one single table. In addition, I've included a column where you can mark the Rages as collected or not and also sorted the Rages by attainability. This can be used to narrow down selections to only those available or help with making sure you have the ones you want.
I hope that players can use this to make Gau just a little bit more accessible by reducing the information barrier that the Rages have.
Anyway... I like spreadsheets. Here it is. Enjoy and happy Raging -
Alternate Sprite Patches
29 December 2016 - 09:11 AM
So I have begun a project on making decent alt-graphics for all the playable characters. This all began when someone random on Discord suggested having redheaded Celes just because. In each spoiler tag I'll put each patch as I make them. In addition, each spoiler tag will have the graphics themselves if you want to import them.
Gi Nattack has been a big help in helping me figure out why the patches weren't working. These ones appear to not cause monsters to explode in graphical insanity.
Redheads (Celes, Sabin, Edgar, Leo)
Pink Haired Terra
Dog/NInja Swap
Indiana Locke
22 Dec 2016 - 14:32Hart-Hunt
22 Dec 2016 - 14:31Laith
22 Dec 2016 - 14:31Nowea
22 Dec 2016 - 14:31