After Pow discovered Insane Difficulty:
I Suck.
This is now my 2nd playthrough attempt of FFTactics 1.3. I gave up the first time on Zalmo 1 because I sucked. I've never done commentary before but my video editing application lets me do it easily so I thought why not. I'll say some silly nonsense to amuse myself, I seem to swear a lot more than others but hopefully somewhere along the line I might say something useful by analyzing my endless mistakes. I usually find what I need on these forums and I follow a few playthroughs of people who are better than me here, which it seems there are many.
I just got to the end of Chapter 2. My party is Capricorn Razma with 2 males and 2 female generics that have good and best compatibility with Razma. Razma and the 2 Male generics are more Physical classes and my 2 Females are the casters for now. I am trying to stay low level for the most part. I've done a few random battles to level up my party from new guests, mainly at the start of Chapter 2. I horde all my JP and I'm just trying to unlock all the classes I can. I Finished Chapter 1 at party level 5 and I'm level 12 right now just before Queklain.
I just recently started editing my videos and I'll be uploading when I can. It's mostly for the lulz and for an old friend. I hope I stick with it this time because I fucking love it and so many people on here inspire me. I play at 90fps because amusingly 120fps was to fast for my brain and I would miss the names of enemy spells/abilities/reactions etc being cast. I might go up to 120 at some point but for now I'll just speed up the bad parts and try to make the videos under 10mins.
Slums of Dorter - I've always hated enemy Marksman.
Theives Fort - Miluda gets wet and burns but dosen't die.
Lenalia Plateau - Miluda forces me to murder her and I make my first truly epic fail play.
Thanks to Bishop and Advent's posts I was finally able to embed videos by putting them in the spoiler and taking out the s in https. Logic escapes me at times