Let's Play: Final Fantasy IX: Unleashed
19 December 2013 - 03:25 PM
19 December 2013 - 04:12 PM
Kjata, on 19 December 2013 - 02:04 PM, said:
The parts where beatrix is on your team are incredible spikes in difficulty. Get the blood sword and train Steiner up to like 17 in the treno tunnels, and make sure you have thunder resistant gear and insomniac on Freya.
I never "legitimately" got past the Freya/Beatrix part, I used save states between every battle. But that is because I was on the verge of giving up with the game completely at that point. It wasn't easy, even with that.
If I didn't have two save slots, I would have stopped playing right there. It's not even a difficulty spike on that part so much as it is an RNG fest. It doesn't help that this part is legitimately poorly designed in general. First you fight Beatrix with Zidane's party, then you go back with little to no time to make money to buy items, then you fight through a time based area with no healer, THEN you have to fight 2 bosses back to back (granted one of them is really simple once you get into the swing of things assuming your ATB doesn't start empty on the boss), THEN you have to fight through the stupid Bandersnatches afterward. It wouldn't be so bad if Beatrix weren't a complete and utter weakass bitch on that part with no armor (I swear, I didn't just unequip her to steal her armor either, she legit didn't have anything when I was playing through). This sloppy design isn't noticeable in Vanilla, because the need to heal in Vanilla is pretty lol, and Beatrix is a complete badass in Vanilla. Here? Not really.
Oh, and once you get passed that, you have to fight... Guess what? Another mother fucking boss. Granted THAT one is even easier than the ones before, but fucking hell. What were the designers thinking!? From there, you're fine until you fight the complete bastard later on... And you'll know when you get to that person.
19 December 2013 - 04:24 PM
19 December 2013 - 04:29 PM
Kjata, on 19 December 2013 - 04:24 PM, said:
I was actually more so talking about in general how the design there is in itself. Beatrix is fine, escape sequence is fine because most fights are at your own discretion. Snake dude is fine because you can beat him without using a single item. What makes this part such a pain are the bandersnatches. It was like "Oh shit, you blinded them? Well fuck you, it still hit you anyways." What makes Bandies so bad is that you might not be rocking 99 of every item at this point because of Double Beatrix fights.
Though if we're talking about favorite parts, it was most definitely finding out certain aspects of the Ilfa tree.... Hehehe... You know what I'm talking about.
19 December 2013 - 04:46 PM

Also, my upload can go get fucked.
Uploading your video. 371 minutes remaining.

19 December 2013 - 05:59 PM
Kjata, on 19 December 2013 - 02:04 PM, said:
The parts where beatrix is on your team are incredible spikes in difficulty. Get the blood sword and train Steiner up to like 17 in the treno tunnels, and make sure you have thunder resistant gear and insomniac on Freya.
I never "legitimately" got past the Freya/Beatrix part, I used save states between every battle. But that is because I was on the verge of giving up with the game completely at that point. It wasn't easy, even with that.

19 December 2013 - 06:03 PM
Hart-Hunt, on 19 December 2013 - 05:59 PM, said:

Evil Forest has been cleared with no grinding, albeit with a couple of really close calls.
19 December 2013 - 09:06 PM
I've yet to decide if I'm going to record Ice Cavern tonight or not, but as I said before the audio problems should be fixed in this one. Or at least, the balance issues. If it's too loud, tell me so and I'll work on that.
20 December 2013 - 04:14 AM
Your anime avatar and single emoticon posts made me think of your voice as kinda... whiny.
I never imagined it would be so... manly. And dare I say, sexy.

20 December 2013 - 04:25 AM
Phoenix pinions teach eiko phoenix, and also have something to do with the chances of phoenix saving you when you get game overed. i can't remember, to be honest (I can get Ralvuimago down to an extra h from memory, but i can't remember an awesome gameplay mechanic, goddammit

20 December 2013 - 08:57 AM
Kjata, on 20 December 2013 - 04:14 AM, said:
Your anime avatar and single emoticon posts made me think of your voice as kinda... whiny.
I never imagined it would be so... manly. And dare I say, sexy.

Kjata, on 20 December 2013 - 04:25 AM, said:

Yep. Phoenix Pinions did enter in the formula for the "save your ass" phoenix, so don't use it / sell them. I used to sell them for 1000 gil (tasty) in the past. Now I sell Ethers / steal them (for quick spare change).
20 December 2013 - 09:47 AM
Kjata, on 20 December 2013 - 04:14 AM, said:
Your anime avatar and single emoticon posts made me think of your voice as kinda... whiny.
I never imagined it would be so... manly. And dare I say, sexy.

Yeah.. I honestly get the "deep/manly/sexy" voice thing a lot.

I figured that's what Phoenix Pinions did. I'll keep that in mind.
20 December 2013 - 09:48 AM
This is essentially a fail vid that lands me in quite a predicament, but through a little ingenuity I'm able to triumph.
20 December 2013 - 02:57 PM
22 December 2013 - 03:13 AM
As the annotation says, I have not the slightest fucking clue what that green line is, but it won't be there in the future. I suspect it's because I rendered in a custom resolution this time, as opposed to my own custom 720p settings. I had to do this in order to preserve the video edits you'll see pop up at around 17 minutes.
22 December 2013 - 03:14 PM
TO answer your question, if Landon hasn't changed it since I played, yes, that exploit is still in the game with the Cotton Robes. He did remove lucky 7 like I suggested though when I was talking about how its fixed damage was too good at moments, so... Maybe? You should try it.
22 December 2013 - 05:25 PM
Augestein, on 22 December 2013 - 03:14 PM, said:

Augestein, on 22 December 2013 - 03:14 PM, said:
I'm not sure if I like or dislike that. I guess we'll see.

22 December 2013 - 07:56 PM
22 December 2013 - 08:05 PM
Augestein, on 22 December 2013 - 07:56 PM, said:
Good to know, but its appeal to me isn't that I might need it per se. I dunno what the appeal is beyond that it's something psychological. I have that itch to exploit stuff.