NT Content & Features: Requests, Suggestions, & Bug Reports
26 August 2015 - 09:01 AM
As for requests, how viable is it to request for an in game bestiary that tracks enemy item steals/drops.
31 August 2015 - 02:47 AM
28 September 2015 - 05:58 AM
First of all, thanks a lot for this wonderful mod, so far I'm really enjoying it (I replay FF7 almost every year, and I was kinda looking for something else).
Right now I've reached Fort Condor, and I'm heading to Junon, but before possibly missing something useful, I've got 2 quick questions :
The first one is Enemy Skill related. Having received the materia with Matra Magic and Laser already learned,
I can't help but wonder if there are some Enemy Skills that I can miss in those early areas (
The second one is almost the same as the first one. Since I'm at Fort Condor, I'm simply wondering if you've changed some of the rewards of the minigame. They're mostly healing items in the original one, so they weren't really worth it (the minigame itself isn't so bad, but it's soooo slooooow, and more expensive than it should be). If there isn't any item worth the fight, then Shinra can invade Fort Condor as much as they want until I get my huge materia.
28 September 2015 - 06:22 AM
Red Dust, on 28 September 2015 - 05:58 AM, said:
First of all, thanks a lot for this wonderful mod, so far I'm really enjoying it (I replay FF7 almost every year, and I was kinda looking for something else).
Right now I've reached Fort Condor, and I'm heading to Junon, but before possibly missing something useful, I've got 2 quick questions :
The first one is Enemy Skill related. Having received the materia with Matra Magic and Laser already learned,
I can't help but wonder if there are some Enemy Skills that I can miss in those early areas (
The second one is almost the same as the first one. Since I'm at Fort Condor, I'm simply wondering if you've changed some of the rewards of the minigame. They're mostly healing items in the original one, so they weren't really worth it (the minigame itself isn't so bad, but it's soooo slooooow, and more expensive than it should be). If there isn't any item worth the fight, then Shinra can invade Fort Condor as much as they want until I get my huge materia.
There are only two enemy skills which are missable, but both can only be learned on Disc 3 from two bosses you'll fight when handing in items to the Kalm Traveler. As for the 2nd, the items were changed slightly for Fort Condor but because of the way the script is it's currently not worth it to backtrack and finish every iteration of it. I'd say maybe keep going back until you get the Peace Ring from it, then never go back until Disc 2's Huge Materia sidequest.
There's a plan to add a teleport NPC into certain places so that players can get back to Fort Condor instantly (and make some of the inaccessible battles available for the first time since the game came out) as well as revising the prize script so that more things can drop instead of the duplicates. That won't be until the 1.4 build though, which is a long way off.
02 October 2015 - 04:45 PM

Anyway, I noticed that the final screen of the Mythril Mines - or whatever that dungeon is after the Zolom and before Fort Condor - is bugged. The first time you go there, it triggers the fight with Elena and Rude. Every time I go back, a text pops up from Barret saying 'Hey, looks like we got incoming', or something along those lines. I noticed it when I was revisiting the area with the buggy to get mythril.
02 October 2015 - 10:32 PM
Velsper, on 02 October 2015 - 04:45 PM, said:

Anyway, I noticed that the final screen of the Mythril Mines - or whatever that dungeon is after the Zolom and before Fort Condor - is bugged. The first time you go there, it triggers the fight with Elena and Rude. Every time I go back, a text pops up from Barret saying 'Hey, looks like we got incoming', or something along those lines. I noticed it when I was revisiting the area with the buggy to get mythril.
Yeah, it was part of an impromptu debugging routine before I released 1.35. I finally got round to removing it, so it'll be gone whenever the next flevel patch goes up.
03 October 2015 - 04:58 PM
03 October 2015 - 06:05 PM
I just found out about all these awesome mods and decided to try yours out.
I've gone back and played through ff7 every few years so I have a bit of experience with vanilla at least.
Is there anything specific that you are looking for feedback on? Balancing, bugs, etc
I'd be happy to share my thoughts with you as I play!
04 October 2015 - 09:48 AM
Velsper, on 03 October 2015 - 04:58 PM, said:
I'll reduce the number of kills needed in the next scene patch.
Bug reports are always generally useful. Ideas for new features and the like too, though there's limitations with what can and can't be done with the game's engine.
06 October 2015 - 04:15 AM
X-ATM summon when?
Remove that hack robot Alexander, put in cool mecha buddy.

06 October 2015 - 03:09 PM

29 October 2015 - 02:14 PM
29 October 2015 - 07:02 PM
Red Dust, on 29 October 2015 - 02:14 PM, said:
In NT, you get what you pay for with Coin. Literally.
30 October 2015 - 01:28 AM
Sega Chief, on 29 October 2015 - 07:02 PM, said:
That was so cheap, even for you. Imagine my overjoy after grinding movers for about an hour, just to suicide bomb my team after trying the Coin command. But I learnt my lesson. Bribery is not a viable solution.
30 October 2015 - 02:48 PM
Red Dust, on 30 October 2015 - 01:28 AM, said:
There will be no Yojimboing.
Unless you have Peerless status on.
In which case :I