Fallen Star Low Level Run
21 July 2013 - 12:59 AM
I actually decided to do this a long time ago, but then other things kept getting in the way... And I was finally able to get around to doing it. In the middle of it, I had the idea to put the run up on the forums... so here I am.
Unfortunately, I won't be updating this for 3 days, as I'm going on a short vacation starting tomorrow. But right now, I've finished up to the Kraken, so there's a lot to watch. If you have any comments at all, feel free to say something. Hope you enjoy.
21 July 2013 - 09:13 AM
22 July 2013 - 01:32 AM
Stann, on 21 July 2013 - 09:13 AM, said:
The suggested level is 2-4 indeed. Bandits are indeed tough at that level.
@Saffron: I am beyond impressed with this level of play! looking forward to how you play through the rest of the mod. Do you plan to try to take on Xbone and Lunpa? I designed both places for players to be level 50.
22 July 2013 - 04:31 AM
23 July 2013 - 11:59 PM
I actually meant to link to the playlist for all of the videos, but all that came up was the first video. Sorry about that; the first post is fixed now. Here, have a video as an apology.
I think this video sums up the "backstage" of my run quite nicely. Personally, this take made me go WTF, so I had it saved. Enjoy; I'll have more progress to show tomorrow.
@ Arch: It's very fun. I've never had this much difficulty with GS before, and it's very refreshing.
@ Vanish: Thank you! I'm very flattered... I've played a lot of GS over the years, so I've become very familiar with the system. But still, I must have wiped around 30 times in this run already, so... I don't think I can call myself very skilled. I still need a certain amount of luck to win these fights. Anyway, I will be attempting Lunpa and Crossbone. Hopefully they turn out to be possible!
@ STK: Thanks for watching! I'm not really sure what qualifies as a "I win" Djinni, but I guess Flash is the best candidate? I think it's almost guaranteed I'll be using it. I doubt my level 16 party will survive for long against level 50s without solid protection. But then there's still stuff like instant death and status to worry about... Isaac and co. sure have a hard life.
24 July 2013 - 01:28 AM
haha yeah i mean Flash & Granite Flash mainly they kinda ruin there game with djinni like that, they shoulda done something else but well Camelot....
25 July 2013 - 12:10 PM
25 July 2013 - 07:00 PM
Lunpa Brigands
The Brigands hit really hard, but they're manageable because no AoE.
Toadonpa was a nightmare. Aqua Rift OHKOs through Flash. Deadly Gas can OHKO through Granite. And Froth Spiral is an instant loss. Had to restart SO many times for this...
26 July 2013 - 09:30 AM
Fusion Dragon
I didn't want to have to use it, but I ended up having to use it anyway...
Saturos drags the battle on for too long when he gets to use Phoenix Ashe and Ashe Flames, and I think the Fusion Dragon is impossible without it.
28 July 2013 - 12:45 AM
Saffron, on 25 July 2013 - 07:00 PM, said:
Toadonpa was a nightmare. Aqua Rift OHKOs through Flash. Deadly Gas can OHKO through Granite. And Froth Spiral is an instant loss. Had to restart SO many times for this...
Glad you are man! all this support has me fired up for modding my own mod... wait what. it will be infinitely easier to play test since I have proper save states so i can just jump to where I need to be in the game.
30 July 2013 - 09:02 PM
Sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been really busy... Plus I stopped playing FS for a while because I got really pissed off at this battle.
As you can tell from the first turn, there is a huge risk of wiping on any non-Flash turn.
But if the Venus Spirit uses Legacy, it's a guaranteed loss. Because that shit does 2600~3400 damage and hits 3 people. That's 260~340 damage through Flash. Garet only has 360 HP, and the rest are OHKO'd. Well, that's with the triple damage effect though.
@ Vanish: Thank you for the reply! I'm pretty sure the Aqua Rift OHKOs through Flash were because low HP + low Mercury Resist. Froth Spiral was only a problem because without Psynergy, I can't heal effectively enough to keep everyone alive. Sacred Waters don't work well when everyone has low HP.
01 August 2013 - 10:39 AM
Crossbone Isle Battle 2 - Mars Spirit and Souls
Mars wasn't too bad, since the Mars Spirit is like an easier Venus Spirit.
Crossbone Isle Battle 3 - Jupiter Spirit and Souls
Jupiter Spirit decided not to spam Spark Plasma and Fulmination, which made this battle much easier than it normally is.
Crossbone Isle Battle 4 - Mercury Spirit and Souls
Mercury was easily the worst. Both of the Souls have 200 HP Regen, Froth Spiral and Glacier. And the Spirit has 255 HP Regen, Living Water, and Spritz! This battle takes a really long time.
01 August 2013 - 10:57 AM
04 August 2013 - 11:31 PM
Crossbone Isle Battle 5 - Alice, Luna, and Teruko
Not sure who these three are, but they all have specially named attacks... It's interesting. Didn't really know what to prepare for until after a lot of attempts.
Crossbone Isle Battle 6 - Mystery Man & Mystery Woman
You know how Isaac fights a Mystery duo in the Prologue? I wonder if those two had these stats... If that was the case, it's amazing that Isaac even survives.
Crossbone Isle Battle 7 - Mystery Dragon
This... is basically what happens to bosses when you Summon rush in vanilla Golden Sun. Poor Mystery Dragon. Not even two minutes.
07 August 2013 - 09:15 AM
08 August 2013 - 11:33 AM
Crossbone Isle Battle 8 - Kain, Raziel, and Fuhjin
Basically the strategy I used for Alice's group, but refined quite a bit. Kain and Fuhjin have 700/800 Agility and Spark Plasma, so the party needs to be faster than those two. Legacy replaces Summons for damage here, because our Djinn have to be set in order to achieve the Agility benchmarks.
Crossbone Isle Battle 9 - Auronymous and Kyouzan
Kyouzan has Froth Spiral and Auron's too strong, so I resort to Planet Diver cheese...
Crossbone Isle Battle Final - Deadbeard
Deadbeard has Froth Spiral, Glacier, Cutlass, and Pirate Brand. Way too strong. Needed more Planet Diver cheese... Might be possible without it, but I'd be hoping that he doesn't use half of his attacks.
Okay, that's all for now. It was a fun experience. I'd give some thoughts, but final version's out, so I'll just leave it at that. I might be starting a Risen Star run soon. Well, until next time...
09 August 2013 - 08:30 AM
Saffron, on 08 August 2013 - 11:33 AM, said:
Crossbone Isle Battle 8 - Kain, Raziel, and Fuhjin
Basically the strategy I used for Alice's group, but refined quite a bit. Kain and Fuhjin have 700/800 Agility and Spark Plasma, so the party needs to be faster than those two. Legacy replaces Summons for damage here, because our Djinn have to be set in order to achieve the Agility benchmarks.
Crossbone Isle Battle 9 - Auronymous and Kyouzan
Kyouzan has Froth Spiral and Auron's too strong, so I resort to Planet Diver cheese...
Crossbone Isle Battle Final - Deadbeard
Deadbeard has Froth Spiral, Glacier, Cutlass, and Pirate Brand. Way too strong. Needed more Planet Diver cheese... Might be possible without it, but I'd be hoping that he doesn't use half of his attacks.
Okay, that's all for now. It was a fun experience. I'd give some thoughts, but final version's out, so I'll just leave it at that. I might be starting a Risen Star run soon. Well, until next time...
Love your work! Also feel free to give feed back. I don't believe in a true "final" version of my mods. If they can be improved I will do just that.