DarkKefka has just released a brand new content update for the Super Mario RPG: Armageddon mod. Give him your feedback!
- Start a new game for this update, as older saves will cause errors and glitches!
-Most of the allies have new equipment. There is also new equipment that anybody can use. These give you a fighting chance against the hardest parts of the hack without needing to farm frog coins.
-Peach and Geno have new spells, Mallow loses HP rain and gains his other moves sooner, and Bowser only has 3 specials.
-Ally spells have a chance to MISS the target completly!! Mario's jump/fire attacks and peach bomb are the only exceptions to this.
- Mario's jump works on ANY monster..even ones with spikes. It's no longer a jump element based attack.
-Some of the mini games have been modified a bit.....
-You will see new monster attacks and spells.
-The password to the sunken ship has been completly changed! Can you figure it out??
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