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- Hero Gamer
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Galaxy Shrooms after level 100
2 weeks ago
dragon claw can't be obtained till after bowser's solo fight I thought. because you can't fight rayquaza before the fight. -
In Topic: Who here is familiar with the Lazy Shell editor?
4 weeks ago
current status as in who's working on it? I'm under the impression that it's development has been abandoned or indefinite hiatus. -
In Topic: what is better to go for at 255
08 March 2017 - 09:50 AM
I presume you're dealing with the matter of physical damage bumping into the damage limit for the ultimate boss as well? -
In Topic: Insane Difficulty Olympics 2017 - Brainstorming Challenges!
28 February 2017 - 07:03 AM
I'd have to agree with doomsday. Might as well call it moderate challenge. Anything actually capable of giving a true expert troubles would blow newbies out of the water. -
In Topic: Some questions regarding either hacks.
17 February 2017 - 04:52 PM
I wouldn't recommend doing game genie codes and other such cheat codes of a game shark nature. Due to this game's heavy modification its messed with the addresses to a degree. If your cheat codes unwittingly modify something they shouldn't you could end up with irreversible severe bugs in the game. There has already been cases of such cheat code triggered bugs in the past. Some smart aleks thought they were smooth but the attempt ended up haunting them down the line later in the game.
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