Ogre Battle: In the Lap of the Gods Download
18 March 2015 - 02:01 PM
Current version:
The download currently features 5 playable levels, and will be updated as more levels are completed.
-Liberation is extremely important! In the Lap of the Gods is virtually unwinnable without town/temple control, so play accordingly!
-Sky movements are not what they used to be. Try out other movement types as part of your liberation strategy, too!
-No matter how much testing I do, there are likely to still be bugs. Please be on the look out for them and let me know of any you find!
Good luck!
18 March 2015 - 02:11 PM
Warren's Castle will not give you any tribute goth ever, but will give bonus goth.
Sharom and all levels to follow it will only give you tribute goth for the first day you spend in the stage. For now, make sure you spend at least one day in the stage to get this goth. In the future, I would like to have the game automatically include one tribute's worth of goth in the bonus gold score if a day has not passed yet, but this feature is not currently included.
18 March 2015 - 03:02 PM
19 March 2015 - 09:17 AM
-Item descriptions in item shops do not display correctly (works fine outside of the shop)
-The name of the item being unequipped when you equip an item on a unit that is already holding an item is wrong (works fine in other known scenario, please let me know if any other scenario is also wrong)
19 March 2015 - 05:07 PM
19 March 2015 - 07:14 PM
19 March 2015 - 09:08 PM
Also, short swords do fire damage.
20 March 2015 - 03:24 AM
I'll have to look into both of those things.
20 March 2015 - 08:44 AM
-Agi bonus from weapons should now work correctly
-Elemental strikes from weapons should now work correctly
-Help text in shops should now display correctly
-Lans alignment fixed
-Item names now display correctly when being unequipped
-Egg of Wonder display text fixed
-"Equipment cannot be changed on the field" text randomly showing up fixed
20 March 2015 - 02:26 PM
22 March 2015 - 09:24 AM

22 March 2015 - 11:17 AM
23 March 2015 - 07:08 AM
23 March 2015 - 07:25 AM
04 April 2015 - 08:23 PM
Along with the new stage, we have a host of changes to go with this one:
-Enemy map movement AI has been heavily modified.
-Mermaids and Octopi have been rebalanced, they will generally perform worse on land now, but mermaids will now use AoE damage on land. Water units were also nerfed a tad in general.
-The formula for healing has been changed, but the Healing skill should perform about the same as before. Quench no longer has an Alignment based portion, and is now a little weaker than healing.
-Acid has also been weakened slightly.
-Tamer bonuses no longer have a defensive component.
-Town tributes have been removed altogether. Stage clear bonuses are now based primarily on the number of enemy squads you wipe out, how few of your characters die (reviving them doesn't help), how many liberated towns you complete the stage with, how few towns you lose to the empire, and how quickly you complete the stage. How quickly you complete the stage now matters a lot LESS than it used to.
-Reputation bonus/penalty formulas have been tweaked slightly.
-Recruiting units now costs goth.
-Enemy large monsters now give twice as much XP as small classes.
-The XP formula has been tweaked.
-Ninjas can now lead units.
-Ninja shurikens now have lower penetration (90%)
-Weapon element carrying has been bug fixed.
-Vampyre's Culling damage has been changed from 25+2*level to 40+level. It will be increased to 2*level in Vampyre's promotion class, but this change is generally an improvement, anyway.
-Enemies will now meet you along your liberation routes, so don't expect to be able to send all but 1 or 2 units toward the enemy base and get away with it. You'll need to spread a bit more than that. Although this particular map shouldn't spread you too much.
-This stage works out to be considerably more difficult than the last one, so proceed with caution.