Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
A week ago
One, the Fire Lance will be the ideal choice of damage for a dragoon Edgar looking to hit a weakness. However, a Flametongue will eventually out-damage it on a magic build once the Nirvana Band and magic-boosting equipment become available. It becomes an interesting source of damage for a magic build, actually.
Two, Icebrand jumping ends up just on this side of viable against Atma Weapon, so no more of this "Ice Spear" shit.
A week ago
I'll note that Icebrand Jumping was actually pretty good even beforehand, despite my misgivings. So it should definetly work well against Atma now.
A week ago
A week ago
I strongly recommend you stick to the original design plan. Keep Radiant Gown as an MP booster. The problem is not the Radiant Gown. The problem is Osmose. If the Radiant Gown isn't good enough, please nerf Osmose and/or raise the MP cost of Relm's magics to make the Gown more desirable.
A week ago
Osmose is it's own beast, and really ought not be in the same discussion as brushes. At best they're both ways she mitigates the need for MP to do her job, but from my experience Relm is rarely scraping the bottom of her MP pool when put on healing duty, and Osmose is only seeing play if I'm using her as a DPS character.
A week ago
A week ago
The more interesting effect it has is on Strago. At present, he prefers Osmose against bosses since it has a higher hitrate. With its power cut in half, he'll likely gravitate towards Raid since its lower effective hitrate of 75% (due to stamina blocking) is made up for by the fact that it is substantially stronger than Osmose (although X-Osmose may still be preferable).
A week ago
Proc+ Gown is a heckuva popular idea though. Still not a fan, but with Osmose nerfed, I'm in less of a position to naysay. That, and even with halved Osmose, pure Zoneseek + Crystal Orb (MP+25%) is still a hefty chunk of MP for dps Relm. Would personally like to playtest a halved Osmose before committing to a Gown change, but I'll back off for now if that's what the community wants.
A week ago
These pants are coming *off*.
A week ago
BTB, on 15 April 2017 - 11:30 AM, said:
Ran some back-of-the-hand calculations with the new Storm Blade Dragoon vs. Flash for a mag Edgar. Was checking to see if a Jumped Break with a 50% random cast chance was enough damage for Storm Blade Dragoon to significantly outdamage Flash, barring any enemy weakness or resistance.
Answer is, no, it isn't enough. It's enough for Storm Blade Dragoon to equal Flash, but it won't outdamage Flash. (Let alone outdamage Flash by enough to be worth taking Dragon Helm & Dragoon Seal over other helmets or relics). "50% random spellcast" mag Dragoon is a new source of Fire, Ice, & Bolt damage, but it won't raise mag Edgar's general dps.
A day ago
A day ago
seraph9888, on 26 April 2017 - 09:08 PM, said:
That's intentional.
Time/SpaceMage, on 26 April 2017 - 09:58 PM, said:
1.4.7? Damn, that's awhile back.
Hopefully 1.8.5 will be out soon.
A day ago
When you examine one of the paintings in Owzer's mansion in the WoB (the one with the flowers IIRC), it mentions giving you 'piece of mind' instead of 'peace'. Is that a typo or some kind of reference I'm not getting?
Anyhow, 1.8.4 seems very nice up until now (just finished IMF). Haven't noticed that much different from my last playthrough yet, aside from the equip bonuses espers now give.
A day ago
BTB, on 26 April 2017 - 10:40 PM, said:
Hopefully 1.8.5 will be out soon.
Admittedly I posted that from bed; turns out it was 1.6.1. Still, yeah I've been playing it for awhile. Feels great to finally beat one of my favorite games ever

In hindsight that last boss fight was a total slog, so thanks for improving that. I can't wait to try out the new features and new RNG.
EDIT: Some comments about 1.8.
-You know that kid in South Figaro who says "that house belongs to our wealthiest citizen"? I always thought that sounded out of place coming from a kid.
-Thanks much for having Sabin and Banon start in the back row.
-Really appreciating the minor text edits.
-Random tapir explanation was interesting.
15 hours ago
I played BNW in 2013 I think, enjoyed it a lot. Despite it not explicitly being a difficulty mod, for all the changes and new mechanics to even be relevant, it of course needs to be difficult enough that you actually have to USE them instead of mashing the B button through battles. On that front, I found the version i played a few years ago mostly satisfying until it got way too easy towards the end.
BUT! I'm trying 1.8.4 now, and it seems to be vastly easier than I remember, to the point of trivializing any need to use the modified mechanics that BNW was created for. I'm just mashing through battles, and it wasn't like that before. So I'm wondering, did I patch my ROM incorrectly or was it deliberately made way way easier?
I followed the instructions and it appears to be working as intended - Whelk does the Wave Cannon, the dialogue is fine, etc. It just feels incredibly wrong in terms of balance. Is there a surefire way to check if this is working correctly? For example, should Vargas and Ultros be pushovers that go down in only a few turns? Is there an enemy I can test with, like how strong it should be, how much damage it should take/deal? Thanks amigos
PS: I have never grinded in an RPG in my life
14 hours ago
5 hours ago