Solo Thief Challenge (Thief SSCC)
08 December 2011 - 02:16 PM
Never underestimate how much free time people on YT have to watch hours of gaming
08 December 2011 - 10:44 PM
Just to put it into perspective...
My upload of that video: 281 views since November 11th
So almost 300 views in almost one month.
Within the first hour of its upload on your channel, it's already had over 100 views!
I'm looking forward to the flood of new viewers thanks to your help
EDIT: Also, the new format looks great !
My upload of that video: 281 views since November 11th
So almost 300 views in almost one month.
Within the first hour of its upload on your channel, it's already had over 100 views!
I'm looking forward to the flood of new viewers thanks to your help
EDIT: Also, the new format looks great !
09 December 2011 - 08:14 PM
grabbing part 19 now
I have re-mastered the first 10 episodes (I combined parts like 6a, 6b, 6c into one etc)
I actually let them play while re-encoding, so I have been listening to your voice all day
I have re-mastered the first 10 episodes (I combined parts like 6a, 6b, 6c into one etc)
I actually let them play while re-encoding, so I have been listening to your voice all day

26 December 2011 - 10:07 PM
27 December 2011 - 01:39 AM
Watching the rest of Golgorand now, Angel was being hilarious for the majority of it.
Also at key's expense, so I approve.
Just need to get Serdash in on some commentary. I would be much better off than I was with Pudd because I actually know some shit about Tactics.
Also love the discussion about the "Solo Orlandu Challenge". I can almost picture that as a mock LP series. "Especially when I double kill or triple kill and I'll just be like 'I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE FUCKIN' HAPPY!'". <-- Made my day.
Also at key's expense, so I approve.
Just need to get Serdash in on some commentary. I would be much better off than I was with Pudd because I actually know some shit about Tactics.
Also love the discussion about the "Solo Orlandu Challenge". I can almost picture that as a mock LP series. "Especially when I double kill or triple kill and I'll just be like 'I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE FUCKIN' HAPPY!'". <-- Made my day.
27 December 2011 - 02:03 AM
I'm currently unable to do any work on any of my LPs because of a sickness that has demolished by ability to speak well.
But it's clearing up, and I'm planning on finishing Ch2 of Solo Thief on Thursday night--late, late, late, at work. If you're available then, we can do some dual commentary on Lionel and Squeaky Queeky.
But it's clearing up, and I'm planning on finishing Ch2 of Solo Thief on Thursday night--late, late, late, at work. If you're available then, we can do some dual commentary on Lionel and Squeaky Queeky.
27 December 2011 - 05:18 AM
Thursday night? Hmmm. Possibly. I'm going to be going to visit my dad on Thursday/Friday. If it's late late and I have some internet access I may be able to hop on Skype. Figures you plan to do some cool shit when I have free time but I'm going to be out of town.

27 January 2012 - 11:36 PM
I've been terrible about keeping this thread updated with new videos. There are quite a lot of new ones up since Golgorand--I'm up to the Underground Book Storage in Ch3.
#36 Guest_Cocomunga_*
28 January 2012 - 10:50 AM
I'm feeling a bit masochistic today. Good thing i got Solo Thief to appease my masochistic nature.....
28 January 2012 - 12:11 PM
Loving it. lol'd hard at "I like to have high HP" in part one of UBS2.
29 January 2012 - 08:17 AM
I having a tough time remembering the context of that line. I've recorded a TON of footage in the last 3 nights, and I'm only uploading one video per day, so that already feels like it was so long ago..
30 January 2012 - 01:25 AM
Wiegraf is nearly finished processing, but here's the link early -
(I have very important episodes of Torchwood to watch right now!)
This is one of my favorite fights of the challenge so far.
(I have very important episodes of Torchwood to watch right now!)
This is one of my favorite fights of the challenge so far.