This update is actually a fix for the data slots that a good number of the items in FS use. As you may know there is a way to transfer data from the first Golden Sun to the Second. Well in order to get those items into The Lost Age I have to remake them and they have to share the same data slot that the item did in the first Golden Sun. The problem I ran into was that many of the new items use data slots that belong to story related or important items in TLA. So I had to relocate these items as well as rework and balance items.
Big thanks to Anima Zero who has been really looking at every aspect of this Mod. He caught a lot of issues which brings us to what I feel may be the final version of this mod.
Mirror: Fallen Star Ver. 1.0.1.P
Prior Version
Mirror: Fallen Star Ver. 1.0.1.M
Change List [Updated: 07/10/2012] (May contain spoilers for boss fights. Read at your own risk):
- All Armor can now be equipped by everyone minus exclusives like certain shields and dresses.
- Massive Revamping of Crossbone Isle to contain tough and challenging Boss fights
- Pheonix Soul now no longer heals 30% of Garet's HP. It now is a revive skill that targets the whole part and can heal for 100HP.
~ Revives party members back to 50% HP
- Bind lost it's 100% accuracy and now costs 2PP but can hit up to 3 targets.
- Added a new item that can seal Psynergy 100%. Psyphon Plume, it is a rare item and is dropped by some Bosses and monsters that are end game.
- Boosted Mia's Aqua Rift, It is now her strongest single target skill.
- Ether Flames is nerfed and now no longer targets all. It now only targets 1 character.
- Pyroclasm now can inflict death.
- Added over 50 unique skills for Boss Type characters.
~ Menardi now has a new skill Sacred Ashe, a healing technique that heals 800HP and boosts attack by 25% to the party.
~ Supernova on Menardi's skillset was swapped for Pyroclasm
~ Saturos now 2 new unique skills Ashe Flames and Heat Field. Ashe Flames decreases damage by 90% to all allies and Heat Field doubles agi.
~ Planet Diver and Pyroclasm added to Saturos's Skill set.
- Fusion Dragon's Unique Skills have all been buffed significantly.
~ Outer Space's power has been raised from 200 to 600
~ Evil Blessing has been Changed from 80 Diminishing base Damage to 80 Added Damage.
~ Dragon Driver's power has been raised from 120 to 360
~ Drain Fang change from effect only to Base Damage and a power change from 80 to 700
~ Deadly Gas's power changed from 20 to 475 Diminishing Base Damage
~ Severe Blow's power change from 1.2 multiplier to 1.5 multiplier and now targets 3 rather than 1
- Toadanpa gained Aqua Rift as a skill and drops a Cleric's Ring
- Cleric's Ring now adds 40 luck and gained PP x 0.3
- Rebalanced a few Weapons and armor. See the topic here for specifics on equips [Link]
- Ivan will come with 3 WoLs when you meet him in Vault which should keep players from having to hunt for them out side of Vale/Vault.
~ If more WoLs are needed zombies still drop them at the same rate as in previous versions.G
- Fixed glittering tiara to actually give Mia Torrent.
- Able to transfer Items over to TLA upon Completion of the game. Look for the Beta Release of RS soon.
- Luck of several bosses has been raised to make them withstand statuses.
- Massive Revamping of Crossbone Isle to contain tough and challenging Boss fights
- Pheonix Soul now no longer heals 30% of Garet's HP. It now is a revive skill that targets the whole part and can heal for 100HP.
~ Revives party members back to 50% HP
- Bind lost it's 100% accuracy and now costs 2PP but can hit up to 3 targets.
- Added a new item that can seal Psynergy 100%. Psyphon Plume, it is a rare item and is dropped by some Bosses and monsters that are end game.
- Boosted Mia's Aqua Rift, It is now her strongest single target skill.
- Ether Flames is nerfed and now no longer targets all. It now only targets 1 character.
- Pyroclasm now can inflict death.
- Added over 50 unique skills for Boss Type characters.
~ Menardi now has a new skill Sacred Ashe, a healing technique that heals 800HP and boosts attack by 25% to the party.
~ Supernova on Menardi's skillset was swapped for Pyroclasm
~ Saturos now 2 new unique skills Ashe Flames and Heat Field. Ashe Flames decreases damage by 90% to all allies and Heat Field doubles agi.
~ Planet Diver and Pyroclasm added to Saturos's Skill set.
- Fusion Dragon's Unique Skills have all been buffed significantly.
~ Outer Space's power has been raised from 200 to 600
~ Evil Blessing has been Changed from 80 Diminishing base Damage to 80 Added Damage.
~ Dragon Driver's power has been raised from 120 to 360
~ Drain Fang change from effect only to Base Damage and a power change from 80 to 700
~ Deadly Gas's power changed from 20 to 475 Diminishing Base Damage
~ Severe Blow's power change from 1.2 multiplier to 1.5 multiplier and now targets 3 rather than 1
- Toadanpa gained Aqua Rift as a skill and drops a Cleric's Ring
- Cleric's Ring now adds 40 luck and gained PP x 0.3
- Rebalanced a few Weapons and armor. See the topic here for specifics on equips [Link]
- Ivan will come with 3 WoLs when you meet him in Vault which should keep players from having to hunt for them out side of Vale/Vault.
~ If more WoLs are needed zombies still drop them at the same rate as in previous versions.G
- Fixed glittering tiara to actually give Mia Torrent.
- Able to transfer Items over to TLA upon Completion of the game. Look for the Beta Release of RS soon.
- Luck of several bosses has been raised to make them withstand statuses.
Crossbone Isle Formations
View at your own risk
First Floor:
Second Floor:
Third Floor:
Fourth Floor:
Fifth Floor:
Sixth Floor:
Seventh Floor:
Eighth Floor:
Nineth Floor:
Final Floor: