If you're going to decide to keep playing the other tasks, according to your feedback on Task#1, then ignore the first task and try the others, before. That because the first task has a too much difficult logic to understand and the first impression will be awful for most of the attempters...
Task #1: (logic difficulty: 9.5/10 MOON LOGIC)
Task #2: (logic difficulty: 6/10)
Task #3: (logic difficulty: 7.5/10)
Task #4: (logic difficulty: 7/10)
Task #5: (logic difficulty: 8/10)
Task #6: (logic difficulty: 8/10)
Task #7: (logic difficulty: 9/10)
Task #8: (logic difficulty: 7.5/10)
Check below for knowing more about tasks and the contest.
Here's my first project:
Not too much complex, basically a contest similar to the one of Lockirby2, if you don't know what i'm talking about(quite improbable... it's Lockirby2

- You'll start from a save that i'll provide you with a link;
- Starting from there, you'll have to complete a task that i'll write under the link;
- You'll have to create a video that shows you complete the task;
- One task each month, so... the contest lasts about 30 days starting from when i post the related task;
- Everybody submits a YouTube video, which is unlisted until the contest period ends, just send me the link to the video...
-The time starts at the moment when you load the save.
-The time ends when you finish the task;
-The goal is not to upload your video on an earlier date than everybody else.
-A video uploaded today with a time of 50 minutes (as timed above) will lose to a video uploaded tomorrow with a time of 30 minutes.
-Therefore, the entire period from save load to task complete must be recorded for timing, and it's all important.
-However, this means that there is no pressure to get this done today.
-You have a full month, so you can fit this in where it can be in your schedule.
-Or you can use that time to optimize your route if you have plenty of time.
-I will be hopefully upload a video showing the top four contenders on the same screen, to compare the routes and have a fun results video.
PS. I dunno if i'm able to show'em in the same screen, but i'll try to do something

- Any task's save will be hacked, so... even veterans will always see something new;
- That means you'll download a patch for the basic rom, plus the save;
- I may decide to put the task in a specific place of the story, it may result handy providing you a savestate too... if there's an event or something. Otherwise you'll simply load my save and the timer will actually start in the specific moment in which you'll be able to begin the task;
- My tasks may result a bit harder, or tricky... but still accessible to everyone.
- I dunno what's planning Lockirby2 for his contest, anyway my tasks may be focused on goals like: Solve a sort of puzzle, invented by me; Escaping from a place; Surviving from something, etc;
I don't want just to imitate Lockirby2, i want show you something fun to play or watch, i'm also curious to know your skill at gaming, since i'm new
I really suggest this and Lockirby2's contest to casual players: you may learn some interesting tricks and strategies from veterans videos, or simply discover them from yourself, and eventually become more skilled in general
Are you interested? lemme know if you wanna try this contest too