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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Missable list?
3 weeks ago
I switch to the ThiefKnife or Enforcer mid-battle when I intend to steal and swap back when I snag what I want. Steal command is safer since it doesn't trigger Fight counters but sometimes I want to switch out Oboro.
Shadow's magic list is based on what his allies have learned, just like Gogo in vanilla. Looks like you got all available recruits.
I recall from elsewhere on this forum that Gold Apples are a rare steal from Light Dragon. Which are a rare encounter even if you are looking in the right places and they're quite capable of murdering a careless party. So good luck.
Check the item description in-game for Destiny and Eternity; it will probably tell you if they do randomcast magic. They ended up as stat sticks for me since I almost never use the Fight command unless my team is overpowered relative to the enemies they're fighting. +20 evade is a nice feature and some users don't have another weapon option for it but I have no experience using the swords to hit things with. (for the most part, the only character whose weapon I care about for offense is Otis) -
In Topic: Missable list?
3 weeks ago
The hack's only Dreamstone is missable, hidden in the castle section of Cyan's nightmare. All of the treasure in the segment is missable like in vanilla though it's for the most part obtainable elsewhere with some work. Also related, the boss rush the Dreamstone accesses is a one-time deal. Fail and you're blocked off from the reward until New Game +
Some areas clear of encounters when cleared so if you want the encounters for some other purpose, do so before beating the main boss of the area. I'm specifically thinking of Owzer's basement since monsters there are the most convenient source of animal suits to steal (which trade up to some useful equipment). -
In Topic: Eiko bug in WoR
23 March 2017 - 09:33 PM
So it's formation slot specific? I remember this bug though thought the Spell points went to whoever was in the formation slot below the guest character. Also, does it still pop up when the guest character is in slot 4? Ran into this back in 1.1 though treated it as "yay, free magic" The 50% chance per battle is indeed curious; I wonder what it's tied to? -
In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
13 March 2017 - 09:22 PM
I recall reading somewhere that Gau's level gets reaveraged when the Falcon is obtained. Still the case here? -
In Topic: Insane Difficulty Olympics 2017 - Brainstorming Challenges!
04 March 2017 - 11:24 PM
The task: Recover the contents of the two chests in the burning house in Thamasa-now-Jehrico and defeat the boss. Due to rushing out in the middle of the night, the team left the sack with all the accessories in the room at the inn. So no relics are to be equipped for this challenge. Only other restriction is no breaking rods or shields for damage. I believe it's actually impossible to obtain breakable shields at this part of the game (without access to the Colloseum, which is also impossible at this part of the game) but want to cover that hole in case someone finds a way. For those who've never played the hack and think that will be too easy, well, it's different here.
Cloud and Aurora are at Level 25 with stock of buyable and found gear as well as a healthy supply of consumables. Running out of items is not intended to be a concern. All available espers at this point are available, however only spells that have a learning rate of x3 or better will be learned in addition to natural magic.
Open to ideas on how to rank successful completions. I thought of formations fought in the burning house but there's likely a better way. I know I'd prefer entries which fight battles in the overworld to be lower ranked than those that don't.
Additional info in spoilers, mostly pertaining to setting up the save. Some of the changes the hack makes to vanilla will be spilled within.
03 Jun 2016 - 14:51