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In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
02 January 2017 - 07:50 PM
Awesome. I note a distinct lack of "no, we really really mean it this time guys, I swear," so 1.9 when? -
In Topic: Favorite WoB Teams
17 October 2016 - 11:08 PM
A jumping Icebrand setup never actually occurred to me. But I bet it would do some very nice damage, although a jumping Mog with an Ice Rod sounds more interesting, if not better
Either way, yeah, he was basically there as a support and backup healer. But I realized about the time Atma killed me the first time that Edgar is pretty unsuited for that role in the WoB, since he doesn't have a strong enough MP pool and his tool choices are limited. For Atma, Setzer would do almost everything my Edgar did and then some, with Slow being the notable exception. For the rest of the floating continent, it's debatable. -
In Topic: Favorite WoB Teams
17 October 2016 - 08:11 PM
Okay, just brought Mog to fight Atma. Turns out, it's pretty solid when accompanied by Celes. Runic handles nearly everything dangerous in the first phase, allowing Mog to dance Water Rondo to his heart's content. Toxic Frog and Surge were both slamming the boss for ~2200, while El Nino and Plasma were both doing ~970.
For the second phase, dancing Forest Suite allows Mog to handle most of the dangerous things Celes can't Runic away. The status removal on Harvester takes care of both Mind Blast and Raze, and as a bonus, when Berserked, Mog doesn't stop dancing. So he actually cured his own Berserk with a Harvester. On top of that, both Razor Leaf and Elf Fire hit Atma for about 1200. Meanwhile, Celes can still keep a runic shield up for the always-threatening Flares, Quartrs, and Quakes.
I'm running Edgar in the third slot, but he's actually not helping in the slightest. He was great for the randoms, between Bio Blaster and Noise Blaster where useful, but I think Setzer would do better in that slot instead. "Failed" slot rolls would get you through the turns Mog doesn't Harvester, and then you can shoot for winning slot spins on turns Setzer has nothing else to do. Also, having him able to summon Seraph for the party-wide Reraise would make this fight go even more smoothly. But that's probably just wishful thinking. -
In Topic: Brave New World 1.7.4 is now available!
17 October 2016 - 04:05 PM
Ran into something weird. Edgar has a Spirit Ring equipped, but the Bonelord in the veldt cave's treasure chest still instagibbed him. Slash, skull, then dead. I think the attack was called Becoming? And, if this was intentional, why should there be any attacks that bypass instant death immunity? Seems counter-intuitive. -
In Topic: Brave New World 1.7.4 is now available!
10 October 2016 - 11:44 PM
BTB, on 10 October 2016 - 09:05 AM, said:
Well. I feel dumb. And now I wonder what other references, if any, I missed? Is Julian a reference to something, too? He seems too bizarre to not be.
As far as Celes goes, I completely understand. I think I just had a string of bad luck, with only fighting Robots, and those only using regular attacks or Exploder on my party. And in any case, the fight against the Tentacles wasn't punishingly bad enough for me to truly feel the squeeze. I mean, if I really needed to, I had like 10 Ethers and 8 Tinctures sitting in my inventory that I could've popped, but I never got that desperate.
Switching gears a minute, I remember reading something about how very few people take Shadow to Zozo, and decided to try it out. The only reason I did it was because I had about 30k gold to blow after getting Gau some missed Rages. I was initially going to take him, too, but with the money, I decided to give Shadow a shot instead.
All I can say is, damn. I wound up absolutely ruining that place, between aoe Shurikens and Bio Blasters. I also bought a truly-unhealthy number of Butterflies (10) with my Gau-gotten gains when I picked up Shadow, which, combined with the ones I stole on the way, made very short work of Dadaluma. I think I ended up throwing one or two in random encounters on the way, and the rest were burned on Dadaluma.
It's definitely not something I'd recommend on any given playthrough because it requires a pretty hefty chunk of change to make it work super well. However, if you ever find yourself with an abundance of cash, or simply a desire to make Zozo your bitch, it might be worth trying out. 10/10 would outpace hasted Dadaluma again.
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