Here's the Paladin's starting gear (+ metagame choices), stats and spell.
Cecil as a Paladin has sky high HP and stamina (defense), above average speed and strength, passable spirit and negligible intelligence. He can use limited white magic, right now only cure is available but that will change. He also has a command called cover, which is useless playing solo.
The Paladin's biggest strength is the absurd equipment pool. He can use swords, holy swords, daggers, bows, staves, shields, axes, and even more importantly every single piece of defensive gear in the game (aside from female only and dark knight only gear). Cecil's a tank, through and through.
The first battle I fight gains Cecil 8 levels, and before leaving Mt Ordeals he reaches lv15 and has learned sight (useless) scan (useless) and cura.
Before the Baron Guards fight, I go to Mist and buy a dancing dagger.

On paper it is weaker than my Sword of Legend, but it has a special ability when used as an item, as seen above. This is stronger than my physicals on most enemies (unless the have decent mdef) so it's the weapon of choice for now. It one shots the Baron Guards, and a few physicals at Yang later it's onto the waterway, stopping briefly to buy and equip a twist headband and kenpogi.
Backrow Dancing Daggers carry me through the enemies in the waterway. I pick up an ancient sword which procs curse, but ultimately do not end up using it. Cecil also learned Teleport at lv19 in here.

like always with solo characters, I kill the left arm first so I can't be paralysed and injure the right to cut the teeh out of it's self destruct. Backrow dancing daggers, easy fight.
Cagnazzo has high magic defense, so it's off to the front row, hacking him up with the sword of legend.

Like with Kain, once he's lost about 4000 HP, toss a rage of zeus to break the barrier, then a spider's silk, hermes sandals and bacchus wine to overcome the endless self healing. Cecil reached lv24 and learned Esuna, completing his spellbook.
It's the usual clean-up time, hourglasses for the awful monsters in Eblan's chests, netting me a sleep sword which procs sleep, and will be the weapon of choice for awhile, pit stop in mythril for a shield, not even bothering with the rest of the set, and a great bow and 30 thunder arrows from Troia, which I won't use until much, much later.
Cecil stripped naked and ran from everything in the magnetic cave, like most characters.

Rubyring to null pig, cast cura after his tornado. form one down.

Dragon's weak to holy, 3 attacks killed it.

This was a nice drop from an ogre on my way out of the cave. I get one in a chest soon ish, but earlier is nice too.
Cecil picked up a firesword, fire shield, and sage's surplice in the Tower of Zot, all of which are useful in some way or another.

I have to slightly take back what I said in the Rosa writeup about bows being garbage, they're actually not bad, but you have to hit a weakness to somewhat negate the accuracy penalty. This fight was a joke like always.

Barbariccia was tougher, but not impossible. With Sword of Legend's 99% accuracy, it's possible to break through the tornado barrier, although damage is quite low as seen here. For this fight, Cecil wore gaia gear from the mage set nulling petrify and saving me quite a few turns- I wish I had thought of this back in the Rosa playthrough. cecil was actually fast enough to toss a spider silk before the boss's barrier went up too- very nice.

Took a long time and tons of hipotions, but eventually I pulled through.
The dolls were beaten by tossing a spider silk, and alternating the order in which to kill them like usual.
Golbez went down to 3 flame sword attacks after Rydia kills herself.
Picked up a black belt and sage's mitre in the dwarf castle. Cecil picked up an icebrand, ice shield, ice armour, and killer bow in Babil, reaching lv36 on the climb to the doctor. Equipped prisoner's wear before the battle.
Fought the first battle by weakening Barnabas, before killing the doctor. Cecil ate a 600 damage self destruct, but that's okay. In the second battle, tossed a spider silk, hermes sandals, and healed up with an x potion before spamming attacks.

I dealt more than enough damage to make laser a survivable move (it's damage is based on the boss' remaining HP total), and actually won the fight without healing at all, prior to the initial few turns. May have wasted a hermes sandals here.
(continued in next post)