This is my first time on these forums, specifically, I am here for Ogre Battle Patches/ Mods.
I played the game as a young fella on SNES and then ytracked it down on PS1 in my teens. I am now a 25 year old Primary School Teacher and have bought a "Raspberry Pi" Emulation setup with has been awesome in revisiting old classics. I have been frantically grabbing SNES roms, PS1 roms and old DOS game roms.
I have beaten Ogre Battle many many times getting many different endings. I have morphed heroes into odd classes and given myself challenge modes and speed runs on normal versions (I own the cartridge for snes and the disc for Ps1). Through emulating, I have discovered people much smarter than myself have created new content or made awesome changes that I am super keen to try. I read through heaps of forums from gamefaqs, zetaboards, finnsmods and have stalked Ogre Battle fans/ gamechangers through different forums. The most recent posts I could find were 2-6 years ago and I could find no up to date patched roms. This is when I found this website and have since downloaded and patched this version of Ogre Battle. It was excellent. I got dominated in Sharom and underestimated the new dominance of giants. Now, I have several questions about the game and moving forward with my OB gaming experience. Thanks very much for your time and thanks for recreating an epic game so well.
1) In the vanilla game, how do you change Charisma? I have never found a sure-fire way to alter it.
2) Does "LUK" truly change the chances of obtaining items from a kiklled enemy unit? I see people claiming they have 4 CROWNS 3 STAFFS 2 RINGS and a handful of BLOODKISS items before they even fight Deneb.
3) Can I demote Lans to a fighter and contract the Werewolf Virus from Sirius? Lans the Werewolf! (tried a few times didnt seem to work).
4) Are there any minor changes for PSX Ogre Battle MOBQ that can be downloaded? If so where?
5) Can you kindly point me to the top 3 patches for this game? How do I install/ use them? I'd love to play with some cool recolours or something similar to this Hard Version on this site (maybe not as difficult?) does anything exist?
6) If I patch over a SNES ROM, do I need to get another "fresh" version of Ogre Battle to then patch over this new one with a different patch? For multiple versions of the game (so I can try everyones different versions of MOBQ).
Cheers all and loving the site!