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- Last Active:
- 12 February 2017
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- Casual Gamer
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22 Nov 2016 - 09:32 -
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Kaffe Myers
29 Nov 2013 - 01:24
Posts I've Made
In Topic: Solo Thief Challenge (Thief SSCC)
11 February 2017 - 03:46 PM
Hell yeah, Subdivisions.
Great to see everything is still alive. Especially pleased to find out Haxtun Institute of Technology is still up; now that's a treat!
I wonder if I can top finishing a challenge started four years before. That's some dedication. -
In Topic: "Insane Difficulty" - Plus / Minus a Few Other Things
22 November 2016 - 08:25 AM
Archael invited me here when the website was first started, and ever since then I've been routinely checking these forums for anything I may find interesting. There hasn't been much quite relevant to my interests and tastes for the last couple years, so I've been going here every 2 or so weeks, mostly not really finding anything.
Archael advertised this to me as a sort of "challenge place forum", which couldn't be any closer to what I've been doing for a sizable chunk of my life in the free time, except it seems that "challenge" is mostly understood as the extreme difficulty hacks people are constantly working on, which doesn't quite correspond to my old / limited interpretation of the term. I couldn't get into any hacks, ever; I think Fire Red Omega from Drayano is the only one I managed to play for a good amount of time. FFT 1.3 (an old version I imagine, but I haven't got a clue about the development of that) didn't click with me at all, and I never bothered to share my impression or ask to change something about it so that I'd find it more agreeable - who seriously cares when I don't even play any hacks anyway?
My challenge habits have never really died down, and I'm about as prolific as ever, just playing less Final Fantasy than before, nowadays playing a ton of challenges on the 3DS and recording most of it on my channel as per usual. I haven't felt like sharing it here on these forums the way I used to, because it seems like nobody's doing the same things as me so I doubt it would generate any interest. As before, I assume that those who would share this interest already know of my channel and where to find me; I've kinda given up on reaching more people with shared interests because I know it's a very peculiar niche.
That's more or less it; I dunno why I keep checking new topics on the forums on a regular basis tbqh. Probably a habit from years back, as I have a couple dozen websites favourited that I continue checking by inertia.
Not sure if this helps at all, but I felt I should respond to the question because I haven't had a whole lot to say about anything for the last couple or so years here and this is the first time in a while when I can say something.
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