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Topics I've Started
v8 kerocola 4
25 January 2017 - 01:54 PM
at the end of the mack bowyer red fight u aquire said item listed in the title
any method to aquire more of these..or was this just a one time thing -
meteor idea for v9
15 January 2017 - 06:06 PM
one thing thats come to my attention..meteor does random damage in the normal ff9 game
and theres another version of it from ff4 used by mystery girl
but in this game..its either really low damage..or u die in one shot
thats not really random if u think about it
why not have some chances for crit damage to be 25 50 75 or 100% additional damage in addition to the normal meteor insta kill chance
or maybe make it blockable where if u fail to block it u take random extra damage
with the higher percentages of damage added only to hard mode
that would be more random then or two damage possibilities
and yes..i do think the initial damage aka the 3hits from mystery girls meteor should also be random but only the 25 or 50% extra damage
that would also probably make the insta kill chance slightly less likely though if we add in these additional i would guess..depending on how u code it
and if u need to make room for it why not change the ff4 meteor attack to have small mario fireballs instead of big mario fireballs
that be smaller sprites so less data needed to put it in am i right? or is that just me being optimalistic <---(i kinda made this word up..i hope u get wat im sayin lol) -
death penalty idea
31 August 2016 - 02:27 AM i read around..its come to my attention that many do not like the death penalty idea..that has been implemented because if u die too often in early becomes completely impossible to clear the game
while i agree..the death penalty should be shouldn't stop u from beating the game in my personal opinion
and agreed that NOT DYING should be part of the game..
but starting over..after getting so far in the game..thats pretty annoying..
so ive come up with an idea..that might actually make the game harder..but still render it beatable by those who learn how to not die..such as forcing players to learn how to survive the infamous deathspell through the use of spellcasting (as a character won't die until it finishes spell in the original then pop a heal item or spell to block the death)
angel grail no longer blocks death penalty..instead reducing the ammount of stat reduction u get
death penalty reduces all stats by a percentage based on difficulty
wuss mode
1%with holy grail 2%without
ez mode
4%with grail 8%without
9%with grail 18% without
10%with grail 20% without
the true crazy hard kick ur ass on a silver platter mode
25% with grail 50%without
resting at an inn removes all penalty with demon statue
with this idea..a player who dies too often will be forced to return to an inn..and then try again...forcing a player to learn how to not die on the way to a boss and survive all boss fights..(ive always thought revival in games mid way through a fight or boss fight was cheap especially auto life) -
gold bar collecting
12 August 2016 - 07:05 PM
so has any1 managed to max out the gold bar count?..WITHOUT CHEATS
i currently have 32 gold bars in bank atm
version 8 ez or hard
don't matter which
26 May 2016 - 15:40hardcore addicted gamer
play all day eat all day..level up..
and destroy drama/bs
yup thats me all in a days work
the so called "no life" gamer
who plays all day with no job and yet somehow gets paid and pays for his own home
yup..they all jealous of me..cause they know for a fact
1v2 id whoop their ass and crush their e...