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Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!NT Content & Features: Requests, Suggestion...Version 9 Beta Public Beta Test DownloadSolo Thief Challenge (Thief SSCC)VideosSOON.
Brave New World 1.5.0 Released!
We are proud to announce the release of Brave New World 1.5.0, which features:
- Several new and improved hacks, including a brand-new RNG and the ability to counter evaded attacks
- A large number of balance changes to everything from esper bonuses to attacks and equipment
- A rebalance of item prices (see above), as well as two new items
- Many modified enemy and boss scripts, and maybe even a new boss
- A rewrite of a very terrible scene (and my apology for having written the original version)
- Perhaps a secret or two... >.>
As has been mentioned before (on several occasions, but we actually mean it this time), this is intended to be the mod's final release, barring any bugfix updates, until 2.0, which will be a significant change and is a very long ways off. For now, Synchysi and I would like take take a little break and wish to thank everyone of the Insane Difficulty community for their help, love, support, and occasional favors of a sensual nature.
Page 1 of 1Stann
29 October 2014 - 06:03 PMCongrats to both you and Synchysi. This is one hell of an amazing project, and I'm glad to have been part of it in the tiny way that I've been.1Hart-Hunt
29 October 2014 - 06:10 PMBTB already knows how happy I feel about your project. Posting here to say congrats to Synchysi as well, the one I myself call ASM wizard. You guys are a far better team than what you might even realise.22Mishrak
30 October 2014 - 05:17 AMNo! No breaks! I demand more updates, bug fixes and added cameos (Mig).
Seriously though, thanks guys for all your efforts. It's been a blast the last few weeks, getting to be a part of it.20Dippn
11 February 2015 - 05:55 PMThis mod is phenomenal. Remember playing the game for the first time? Playing this mod for the first time is the closest you'll ever get back to that. Highly recommend to anyone. Even with the difficulty being a bit higher, we're all grown ups now, except LWU.0You do not have permission to leave comments on this articlePage 1 of 1
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