Tactics Ogre: One Vision 1.07

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About This File

TO: LUCT is no doubt one of the classics of turn based tactical games, it can boast complex storyline with a memorable cast of characters and multiple endings, as well as a deep combat system with a vast arsenal of equipment, items and spells. Its PSP port can also serve as an example of how such things should be done, with the game getting not only a much needed facelift but also a thorough redesign of most combat elements.

Sadly, the game isn’t without faults, as some of the new features make it extremely prone to exploits which an experienced player can use to fully remove any challenge from the game. The main goal of this mod is to render such exploits more difficult, bringing weapons, classes and skills closer to the level they should perform at, as well as to each other. Its secondary goal is to provide tweaks to immersion, visuals and some of the more cumbersome game systems like crafting and endless skill farming.

This is still a work in progress so all feedback is welcome.


For installation instructions and more info check the included Readme file.


Major features:

  • Weapon, armor and consumable item rework. Equipment is more likely to do what you expect of it, 2H weapons will do a lot of damage and a tank in heavy armor will be hard to kill.
  • Additional items, spells and skills, as well as changes to the existing ones with a focus on improving the more unappealing choices.
  • Skills that grant stat bonuses, like Strengthen or Spellcraft, as well as static choices like Switfoot or Spell Ward were removed and compensated with higher stat differences between classes than in vanilla game.
  • A full Finishing move rebalance.
  • Most ways of gaining permanent stats were removed to reduce power creep in late game and increase options during early game.
  • The power of special characters was reduced across the board, they're about on par with each other now and not overwhelmingly stronger than generics.
  • Generic characters have more diverse templates that split into fighter, rogue, mage and generalist archetypes, their stats can differ a lot depending on which one you hire.
  • Significantly increased the levelling speed of slow skills, like Steal or Parry.
  • Most classes were tweaked, with emphasis on nerfing the strong ones and buffing the weak, many gained new tricks.
  • Monsters don't scale natural armor as high as before. With the changes to skills, their new role is high HP bullet sponges that take a lot of damage and use the TP gained to spam special moves.
  • Many items are easier to acquire, reducing the endgame tedium.
  • Visual changes to some items, special characters, skills and spells.
  • Streamlined crafting.


Consolidated changelist available in feedback thread.

What's New in Version 0.973   See changelog


Patch notes v0.973




-  The Phorampa Wildwood battles are now reworked, running it should now be more rewarding at all chapters

-  Advanced human classes in act2 section of Phorampa will always drop some classmarks at levels below 15, if you want to get those a bit earlier

-  You can now obtain the necromancy spells Banish, Rebuild, Brainrot (act2 section), Curse, Life Force (act3 section), Living Dead, Putrify, Frenzy (act4 section). They are guaranteed to drop from certain undead units or dark magic users

-  The two shapeshifting addict Necromancers in Feral Shore will now use the new bodysnatching daggers and drop them when killed instead of Phylactery. You can now also steal necromancer marks from them

-  Added a Cenobite in "Lie Down in Green Pastures" that will drop a Sybil's Mark and has a few more to steal

-  Added a Blood Hunter in "Wonder at the Gods Above" that will drop a Brave's Mark and has a few more to steal

-  Just like the Grim Reaper that has the Reaver Ring, these two special units will appear only at levels 21 and above

-  All humanoid units in Phorampa will now have a chance to drop tarot cards as loot, to help replenish your Booby Trap supplies, each class has their card except for Rogues which drop the Wild Card

-  The octopi don’t have any Elixirs anymore, they will be added to other places as Phorampa is a bit too convenient

-  The duel at the end of Ch2 on Chaos path should be easier now


-  Axes, spears and hammers will now sidegrade the previous weapon tier and upgrade it to the current one. That means you will have a 1H and 2H option at every tier instead of normal/sidegrade, having the option to use the other weapon variant is probably better for some classes than not having the option at that tier at all. As they are technically side-upgrades, they will randomly appear on enemies

-  Because of the above, some weapons have been renamed and their type was changed, so be sure to check your axe/spear/hammer users for any weapon incompatibility, those weapons will be auto unequipped after the first battle so you might enter the next one unarmed

-  Sidegrade axes now delay RT counter on hit instead of inflicting slow, it was a bit too similar to 2H hammers

-  Sidegrade 2H hammers have been changed to colossus hammers, with guaranteed knockback and significant HP boost

-  The amount of TP both types of katana remove was increased

-  Ring of Wards grants more RES

-  Added Cipher Shard, a dagger with the Bodysnatch ability, it is equippable by any humanoid class. They’re obtained in Phorampa


-  Some of the grenades weren’t usable by certain classes because they were using hardcoded ability slots, it should be fixed now

-  Phylactery was removed, there was no way for the item to get consumed on use, it was replaced with ritual daggers

-  Added Wild Card, it can be turned into any tarot card using the Transcription crafting book

-  The krystallos are now a consumable that can be used in battle to get the instill effect


-  Some classes now have lower magic resistance, which should make dps mages more consistently effective

-  Lich is tougher now

-  Cyclops can use Burst II

Spells and Abilites

-  Basic area damage spells will now match the level progression of projectiles, with the first area spell starting at level 8 along projectile II. Their damage has been significantly improved, but TP and MP cost is also higher

-  Putrify necromancy spells have also been improved

-  Summon Darkness necromancy that some bosses use now costs less MP, but it will delay the user by 100 RT

-  Half of the damage traps have been converted to area damage, they will damage your units too, so be careful. They do the same damage as single tile traps but cause no status effects, except light and dark which do less damage and have a minor status

-  The remaining single tile traps now only use the strongest status effects

-  Shadowbreak now also inflicts Breach

Racial Templates

-  Denam can’t change into Heretic anymore, the sprite override that the class needs to function was overriding his default sprite too when you World back to first chapter




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