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About velsper

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  1. Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals

    Fortunately I haven't grabbed the stat ups yet, was just giving some of my thoughts on how the Sinistrals were playing out for me.
  2. Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals

    I redid the game on hard mode, and made it up to the three towers pre Doom Island. A few thoughts: With my capsule monsters, I don't find em to survive long/at all in end game so I'm just rolling with the dark dragon who instantly wipes random fights with Eliminator. The others fell to the wayside compared to his skills.
  3. Review of v1.9

    That's really interesting. It's fun to hear how older games do things sometimes. You get stuff like this out of it. Thanks for letting me know.
  4. Review of v1.9

    Is it on the level of the other bugs in the game? Or there's just no room in the rom left?
  5. Review of v1.9

    I never bothered with the Colosseum. Just pop in and trade the knife for Shadow and away we go. Too much hassle.
  6. Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals

    Divine Shrine and stat potions get reset too. So don't step onto that panel/drink those potions until you got your final set up. I find the ocean is a great place to grind for money to test out skill sets. Just sic the phoenix on those whales and watch em cry.
  7. Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals

    Oh yeah, I've noticed that the master rank and rank four capsule monsters have both been useful. I flip them around if I need extra cover fire. Like when I lost Laxus, I swapped to capsule monsters that had attack all moves since Selan was all alone on that front now.
  8. Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals

    Didn't get an alert you had posted back, my bad. Well, there's a notable increase in power between the last two Ranks for me. They're useful all game, but at that point they make up for bad life choices. Before the elf temple I rerolled the spell list with the cast to see what'd happen and during that span they were helping keep me alive on the seas while I made my money back.
  9. I'm hyped enough for this that I went and bought FF8 during the last steam sale.
  10. Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals

    I'll say this, the balance is really good. The later capsule monster evolutions are squishy but provide a lot of needed firepower if you got a bad load out. I appreciate the drop rate changes too.
  11. Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals

    When there's three times the number of skills than skill slots? I thought you made that many so you could roll with different set ups. Then I saw the cost for the skill deletion, sure ended my bout of curiosity. Speaking of the skills though, I really am liking some of the later ones a lot. The Venom/super poison and toxic bomb combo are fun. Blitz is pretty hilarious too.
  12. Documentation out of date

    I'm not able to get Chocobuckle to fill out the list. Quarry Fuse isn't triggering anything but the bird pecking everyone to death.
  13. Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals

    I started Act 2 (3?) with Maxim and Selan as parents, and wanted to ask why the heavy price on resetting the skills? I think it's enough that you have to go and rebuy everything if you want to rebuild your style, personally. Too bad there isn't a way to set up a spell shop to just sell back spells at a vastly reduced level or something.
  14. Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals

    Thanks, appreciate it. Rolling around on normal riight now, and that brush with Gades worried me since I was already at level 30 when I ran into him. I'll keep playing leisurely then.
  15. Lufia 2 - Age of the Sinistrals

    I got a question about the balance, so far I've only bought abilities that I thought fit each character. Will I need to buy everyone everything they need to beat the game at the end?