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File Reviews posted by blitzkingjecht

  1. The original copy of Final Fantasy VI, to me, is broken. Once you've gained ultima, you don't need to think about your next actions. This fixes that, and takes the game to a whole new level.

    Unlike the original, where each character becomes a carbon copy of each other due to magic being unrestricted, this fixes that to a new level. The original game saw Vigor, Stamina, and Speed be marginally useful, while Magic was basically the only stat that truly mattered. Each stat has value and purpose now to allow for characters to be built in specific ways. Do you want to turn Sabin into a Regen tank that heals other characters? Maybe you want Locke to be your healer, so you pump his MP to new heights due to the Esper Level system. 


    Esper levels replace the "equip this esper and gain x bonus" that made gaining levels before espers feel like you were missing an opportunity to make your characters more powerful. This does away with tha completely by utilizing a second leveling system, called EL, or "Esper Level." Each character maxes their Esper level at 25, and each character can draw strength from the Espers they can equip. This means that characters like Shadow can only beef up his speed and vigor, while Sabin is focused on Vigor, Stamina, and HP.  It also does away with needing to learn magic to 100%, which speeds up the time you would spend grinding to learn the spells that each character has access to by creating a bank of spell points that you gain by defeating enemies. Even with these changes, the game doesn't lose or gain any difficulty. It completely changes the way you think of the game and each character has value in a way that's unique to them. Relm learns some of the most powerful magics, while Setzer learns the best healing spells. This changes how you build each character and subsequently, how you build each party.

    Making these adjustments it feel like a completely different game that doesn't distract or take away from the main story. It makes playing the original feel, incomplete by comparison. 

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