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Everything posted by Nitro

  1. Did you patch version 9 to a clean and untouched rom, or did you patch it on top of version 8?
  2. Yeah... Don't kill Mack, Bowyer or Yaridovich on the same turn as their minions are alive (or died before the boss got their next turn)
  3. That one doesn't count as it's there before and after the Johnny fight to give you a chance to change Mario's equipment.
  4. It resets you from the last checkpoint you passed. Basically, you hit a checkpoint every time you get to the menu.
  5. Let's assume all bosses that give you galaxy coins actually don't. (except for Xion)
  6. It does indeed say 30, however, you don't get them due to a bug.
  7. People die to the hammer bros and croco? I guess I'm better than I thought I was!
  8. That review took me 2 hours to write.
  9. Version 9 Public Release!!!!

    You'll love how you get the specials this time around.
  10. Is the level 30 bug fixable at all?
  11. There was no soflock bug in the battle against rosalina this time like there was in version 8, yay!
  12. I guess you could say that the 8th star is a scar left on the save file from using an unintended "exploit"
  13. I was just about to fight Terra and accidentally checked my star pieces while trying to check my equipment and saw an 8th star in the top right corner.
  14. That has to do with the moving platforms. As long as you're standing on one, you can't open the menu, but if you jump and try to open the menu...
  15. I think I found an exploit: If you kill Penance's left arm (the one called left arm, not the arm on the left) and then ignore th right arm and just focus on Penance, the left arm never respawns. Same thing would most likely happen if you killed the right arm and ignored the left one, but why do that when it's the left one that uses black hole? I think the arms should still reappear after a certain number of turns wether you've killed both or not.
  16. I can confirm that they do indeed come back between fights in the FF Boss Rush. Thank god!
  17. The door and the boss fight

    Use the opposite element that she's using. Same for Elizabeth.
  18. Now I should probably check for text issues from npc's and such. Edit: NOPE! I'm not doing that! Too much text!
  19. It's all right, I'll do anything to make Armageddon as clean as possible!
  20. Here's some typos in the "attacks" section of Lazy Shell: Group hug description says heal group and negative effects, should be heals group and negative effects. I also don't understand why Peach can't use group hug when she's alone. She can use Aromatheraphy when she's alone, why not group hug? White magikoopa description says call magikoopa to heal all allies, should be calls magikoopa to heal all allies. Wishing star description says revive one ally, should be revives one ally. Dragon breath description says burn all foes with fire, should be burns all foes with fire. Fire breath description says burn one foe with fire, should be burns one foe with fire. Geno whirl description says lower's defense, should be lowers defense. Jump description says stomp one foe, should probably not say stomps one foe, but who knows. Peach beam description says strike all foes wth a holy beam, it's probably correct. Red magikoopa description says call magikoopa... Same thing as the white one! (the issue is the same) (if it IS an issue) Thunderstorm has the same spelling for lowers as geno whirl (lower's) That's all here!