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Everything posted by raics

  1. Feedback and Suggestions

    For Donnalto, not really, I was trying out something and people liked it so it stuck, kinda grows on you after a while.
  2. Feedback and Suggestions

    Glad you're enjoying it. About those sprites, Sara using that particular one is a small nod to Orson from Knight of Lodis as it's kinda similar to his outfit and Voltare is just a recolored knight which is probably what you had in mind. Most characters that were previously named generics now have a fixed recolored sprite of their class, Sara could have an archer sprite too but I didn't want to double it up with Arycelle. Can't see a way that would make individual stat growth being recorded on the character instead of a class as it isn't just flipping some switches, it would require a rework of the whole levelling system so that one will have to wait for someone else. Weapon restrictions can easily be removed but a fair bit of the balancing rests on that so I wouldn't do it, for instance, you could just equip a warlock with a 2h hammer and tear new assholes with dragon magic all over the place, valkyries would be close to wizards in power if they could wear his gear and wizards would be pretty tanky in heavy armor. In the original game (and vanilla remake to an extent), gear didn't really matter, everyone ran around with the lightest weapon and naked so full freedom in gearing didn't make any difference, in the mod half of the class are stats and the other half is gear.
  3. Feedback and Suggestions

    Right, seems that the game calculates the bonus for str weapons but not dex, I'll check on it tomorrow to see if it's just a display issue. If not, it might be some sort of a bug or just another one of their wtf design decisions.
  4. Feedback and Suggestions

    Sure, since there are more elemental weapons now I could split them into two groups so some of them follow the usual pattern and some are sidegrades. Elemental weapons from the first crafting book can randomly spawn on enemies but enchiridion weapons and above can't (unless set manually), usable abilities are encountered only on weapons that can't be crafted and the highest required level for any piece of gear is 40. Yes, only robes have an augment, that way classes that can use robes and other armor types have to choose between offense and protection. Elemental gear is pretty strong so it's a nice upgrade over normal gear and you don't need to hunt it all around the place anymore, you can craft it all except jyigla and thanatos with secrets of the master. It's the way jewelry works, the resistance values double as a damage bonus. That's why chokers in vanilla are so broken, besides augment you get 40% increased damage of your element, another 10% vs all races (which the char screen doesn't show) and 3% blunt/crash/pierce, that's pretty much extra two tiers of strengthen/spellcraft. I've updated the damage calculator in the first post recently so you can check that out.
  5. Feedback and Suggestions

    Quicken is one of those buffs that's tied to the RT clock so it can't be specifically limited to a number of turns, I can reduce its duration further but I'd rather increase the TP cost and keep the ability impactful, if I increased the RT cost much to offset the speedup it might go against the theme of the ability, it's supposed to hasten you after all. It's probably good that white knights are powerful in undead battles, makes a bit of sense so I'll just leave it like this and let them have their fun for now, I've had it up to here with 'white knights suck' anyway I could just remove the RT cost of dances instead, it would do the same thing. Dunno if I should, their abilities are pretty cheap already and have either better effect or more aoe than spells that do the same thing to compensate for limited range.
  6. Feedback and Suggestions

    It's intended indeed, some wanted a playable templar so we'll just say Rudlum used it as a disguise to move around easier, makes a bit of sense. I'll have Denam comment on that so it doesn't seem as random. Crafting chances increase a bit over the course of he game, not sure of the exact formula but it might depend on the amount of recipe books you acquired, hard to say. Yeah, cloth sidegrade has better bonuses but lower def and resists, it's better overall but fewer classes can use it so it doesn't directly compete most of the time, I'll probably remove the duelist bonus versus some races or nerf it a bit in other ways but not by much. Draconic spell descriptions mention they're attacks, so they use your str/dex (more dex than str) instead of int/mnd and add weapon ATK on top of their spell ATK, so it's expected that a lord or princess would do more damage with them than a warlock or wicce. @Riko Sure, it's just that it's harder to say which racial templates the game uses for wraiths so I haven't done it yet, once I dump the battle data I'll know.
  7. New Grub Plus

    Tarator Soup One of the favorite summer meals in south-east Europe and middle East, this cold soup is both savory and refreshing. Ingredients: 2 large cucumbers yogurt, around 0,4l but it can be less or more, depending on consistency which kind you got, ideally greek variety but you can also dilute sour cream in which case you should use less some milk (optional), diluting the soup with water is more common but milk makes it more creamy, depends what you like some dill (a small handful, more if you like it or less if you don't) 3-4 cloves of garlic some oil, preferably olive, a tablespoon or two salt, pepper 1. Finely dice the cucumbers or buzz them for a bit in the food processor, some use a grater but that can alter the soup consistency too much. Mince in the garlic cloves and finely chop the dill, add salt and pepper. 2. Dilute the yogurt to the consistency where it's almost drinkable but don't make it too watery as there can be a lot of water in the cucumbers (unless you drained them) and add the oil, you can use a whisk or a hand mixer if you're going with thick sour cream, add the oil. 2. Mix it all together and check if it's too thick, adjust a bit more if needed. If your ingredients weren't already cold refrigerate the soup or add some ice (make it thicker in that case). You can add some croutons or roasted chickpeas.
  8. Feedback and Suggestions

    Can't say for sure how deep it goes, crafting fails were usually enough to deter people from continuing the playthrough, I think some reported glitches with class changing and some stats.
  9. Feedback and Suggestions

    If it says 95-97% it's only early on, I think it's only visual and can't fail anyway or at least I never saw it myself or had any report that it does, it says 100% later. It can be lower and actually fail if the game was loaded from a saved state after patching and then hard saved, that messes up the file in some ways including crafting chances.
  10. Feedback and Suggestions

    Yeah, you can't, if you evacuate her and hobyrim in chaos route they aren't present to trigger their after battle dialogue. That's what the blessing stone upgrade is for, you raise a unit by evacuating the user (which is why denam can't use them since last patch).
  11. Feedback and Suggestions

    Ozma's is still there but it didn't feel as fitting for Oz, he's a bit more about brawn but I have no strong convictions about that so I could give it back. The gap is larger because bows have two weapons less in the baldur-damasc range, I could fix that but can't do anything about the exp curve yet. I's still considerably less grinding than in snes version or FFT, have you been just going for the leader, maybe, or had a lot of evacs? My no knockdown full clear playthrough is at ch4 start and they're level 16-17 without grinding to enemy's 15, the only class I've doubled up is the cleric. If the game rewards you with no grinding for tight play I'd call that a good thing.
  12. Feedback and Suggestions

    That's because of lamias, they're also reptilians and they have access to wizard class, when I get to tweaking class accessibility I'll sort some of those out. The alternative is removing racial skills altogether and this is probably the lesser evil, also gives humanoid and monster classes a nice selling point as you can make them into manhunters/maneaters. Didn't expect the game not to have the terror knight sprite loaded at that point, when it does it works fine as you can see below, I'll have to check what can be done about it.
  13. Feedback and Suggestions

    The new version is up, we'll see how it's going to work out.
  14. Feedback and Suggestions

    I'll test it out and see what the feedback looks like. I respect attempts at role playing, but the issue is that for most players it isn't customization, it boils down to slap anatomy on, watch it rank up and become ridiculously effective against most enemies, never consider anything else.
  15. Feedback and Suggestions

    I've been careful not to move anything for that very reason so most, if not all codes will work.
  16. Feedback and Suggestions

    You didn't read the PM I sent?
  17. Feedback and Suggestions

    Sure, just update it properly and there should be zero issues, you can even update from vanilla to the mod and the save will still work, special units will just have higher stats and everyone will have different gear equipped because it moved around.
  18. Feedback and Suggestions

    I can look it up later, all of them are together except for the cursed one. To make them available to a class you need to see in which one of those five entries is the class and which is the number you should add, for instance, white knight is in field 5 and you should add 4 to it to enable the item, for a shaman it would be 8.
  19. Feedback and Suggestions

    Right, the RT advantage is almost cosmetic in the mod with 6 being the most a unique can have over a generic, with ~150 on the counter every turn once the battle starts and some classes getting close to 200 it isn't really a significant factor but it's probably worth tinkering with if you want to level the field even more. As for the weapon accessibility the game does both, every class has a number for the equipment set it uses (some sets are shared) and every item has five entries with 8 sets each that mark which ones it belongs to. I gave it some damage up front for the next patch, that will probably deter the AI from casting it so much as it does less than aoe spells. The removal of racial skills means I can do some tweaks to the recruitments, for one the skill will show its actual range because racials gave it a miniscule chance to work outside of it. Books will provide a +2 bonus which means they will have visibly extended range and higher chance to work, and I also removed the limitation of one recruitment skill per character, so you can have a mediator of sorts with every one of them if you wish. Which version are you using? The trap crash should have been fixed in 0.90a. The only thing a patriarch can't do is healing, they're a jack of all trades among casters and can even take a few hits so the tradeoff was lack of access to top tier stuff.
  20. Feedback and Suggestions

    Thanks for the feedback, there's a lot of people that love this game and thought of modding it but the process is kinda awkward without any tools, maybe one day we will have some available. I've included a fair bit of the changes based on community feedback but it's ultimately done according to the way I think the game should work, it shouldn't be hard to tweak to your liking but you should obviously wait for some kind of a finished version as things are prone to changing, items and skills shifting places would especially make it tricky to keep up. About the feedback, it probably isn't possible to give magic a smooth powerup curve, weapons come in many tiers and magic typically has four or even just two, that meant it powers up in rather large steps and tends to flag a bit right before the next upgrade. That can be fixed by having only one spell of each kind and scaling it by stats alone but that eliminates the RT control and simplifies the mana management aspect that make mages more interesting than other ranged attackers. That said, compared to archers, mages are probably having more consistent damage output and are a natural counter to beasts which are fairly vulnerable to spells and don't TP from getting hit by them like normal attacks, if we add their other tricks it's kinda hard to directly compare mages to other classes. The game also uses a damage formula that makes it really sensitive to tampering with stats, in several previous patches magic resistance was just a notch lower and it made mages disgustingly oppressive. It's true that some classes lack a fallback action, but in this game it isn't a serious drawback because it doesn't tempt you into wasting RT on unnecessary actions, so a berserker or a dragoon are classes that are very focused on doing their thing as opposed to those like spellblades or warlocks that can always find something to do. The damage scaling is probably a bit off currently because VIT is too high, I'm trying some things with it to release in a minor patch this week and if it all falls into place it should make berserker more effective indirectly. I'll likely get rid of racial skills altogether, even if they level easier you'd just never use anything other than anatomy because of the enemy composition and that can't really be fixed without turning this into monster tactics, there are way too many racial types in the game and the rank system means they can't function even as a situational equip because you have to invest hard into a possibility to maybe use it sometimes, and that never worked out in any game. It doesn't really add anything to the game and will also solve a few other minor problems so it should be a good thing in the long run. I'f you'd like to chat a bit about the game you can join the discord too
  21. Feedback and Suggestions

    Sure, generics start at c59aa and the race template table is 64 fields wide, on that address and the following one is the base HP amount, then you got the base MP amount, then growth for HP and growth for MP. After that you have the eight main stats in their usual order, first the base amount and then growth for each one, and after that is RT. All generic races have four templates and are listed in this order, human male, human female, hawkman, lizardman, lamia, orc, skeleton male, skeleton female, ghost male, ghost female, faerie, gremlin, pumpkinhead, dragon, hydra, gryphon, cockatrice, octopus, cyclops, golem. All unique and named characters have separate racial table entries.
  22. New Grub Plus

    Borderlands Yogurt An obscure drink found in (to my knowledge) only a tiny and sparsely populated region in Central Balkans, it is rarely made today because of very involved preparation process so to find the recipe you have to find an old granny that still remembers it because it's unlikely she passed it onto her daughters and granddaughters. The original recipe came from my great-grandmother but it was never passed on fully so I had to reconstruct it from fragments, however, we won't use that here because it's way too time consuming, we will cheat a bit to make the process more suited for today's style of living but the taste is 95% identical. Ingredients: 1/2 of a large cup (0,33l) of coarse white maize flour (might be real easy or real hard to find, depends where you live) 2 large cups of water 1,5l of whole full fat milk (even better raw milk if you can get it) two table spoons of active yogurt (preferably kefir as the taste is similar) 1. Dilute the flour in two cups of water and leave it covered overnight. 2. Cook the mixture until it thickens into a porridge of sorts, roughly 15 minutes, it burns easily so stir vigorously. 3. Add milk but very, very slowly. As it's likely cold and the mixture is hot it will clump instantly, stir hard and add it in a small trickle at first. Once it has cooled down a bit you can pour faster, add about half of the milk. 4. Heat it up again until it boils, with an occasional stir. Add the remaining milk and bring it to a boil again. 5. Wait until it cools down to a bit above your body temperature and the skin forms on top, it can't be too hot or the bacteria will die. Stir the yogurt in but be careful not to disturb the skin too much or it will partially dissolve and you may get lumps in the drink which might be unpleasant. In the original recipe you'd wait a few days until it sours naturally or use the leftovers from last time, there's no need to wait if you got a readily obtainable starter culture. 6. Cover with a clean cloth and let it sit for around 12h, depending on room temperature, until it thickens almost to a sour cream consistency. Carefully remove the skin on top and discard or eat it, then dilute it with a bit of water or milk until it can be drank but it should stay fairly thick, then bottle and refrigerate. If it thickens just dilute it again, it's a self-propagating drink of sorts.
  23. difficulty levels?

    The mod was meant to make the vanilla game more interesting while keeping it accessible to newcomers so this isn't really a difficulty mod even though it is somewhat harder. Those videos are typically made by people with hundreds of hours in vanilla and modded game so something would be wrong if they had much trouble with it.
  24. Feedback and Suggestions

    Right you are, most likely it's because the skill level is considered to be 0 when used from an item. It isn't a problem for most other skills because they still have some chance to work or some range even if their level is zero but recruit skills are based on a non-standard formula that's hardcoded into the effect (the chance to hit field lists 100%) instead of called from the formula list so there isn't much I can do about that at the moment, regretfully.