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Posts posted by Fein-Life

  1. Yea Xion is tough at first. But, after you beat him a couple times he gets really easy. Yes, he does drop the Oathkeeper and I've beaten Terra probably 10 + times.. I just wanted to show yall how simple the Oathkeeper made her haha. The Oathkeeper is an amazing item but poorly placed in the game... Sadly..


    I've tried it on all the superbosses (including the rematch with Xion) and it makes them incredibly simple. So simple in fact, that Mario could take 4 hits from Xion without dying.. 


    Maybe on easy mode Xion is beatable early on - but in hardmode you pretty much have to have 240 defense, which is basically max.


    Thanks for liking the video though! I'm really proud of it because it's my first "fancy" video haha

  2. Yes, I just was going to get all that set up next week - until then I was going to practice. I suppose I could get it set up sooner than later, because you're obviously right in that, people can offer advice... That would probably speed up my learning curve significantly.


    Question (As always) Do you have a list of all the Hardmode bosses HP and weakness etc? I could seriously benefit from that right now in these speed runs...

  3. I'll let you know... This run-through is just for familiarity. I'll probably be doing 10 plus runs this week before I try and do something official. I'm watching your easy mode run at the same time for ideas - although if I were to do what you did I would Insta die lol. I'm taking my time and seeing at what point I can beat bosses without worrying about RNG - It's a terrible feeling knowing I have to keep grinding levels in a speed run..

  4. Well, unfortunately I got to start somewhere.. after I'm done with this play through, I'm going to start again with Notes. Then apply the notes and hopefully shave another hour or two off.


    The hardest part in hardcode aside from RNG is leveling up - because you have to grind - but the optimal fights / exp ratio is what I will have to study.


    Next is learning the optimal Path through the game - which you've pretty much perfected. The only difference is, I can't avoid every chest from what I'm noticing - Like Marrymore, I found it was better to waste time staying at the INN Suite 3 times just to get the Gifts.. But maybe I'm wrong.

  5. I wanted to give a personal THANK YOU, to Doomsday (I don't know your alias, akas or real name) for helping me defeat this extremely good game - on hard mode.


    It took about a week and a half of playing everyday religiously and A LOT of patience.


    I'm considering making a full tutorial for this game but I may wait for 9.0 ( if it's really coming out).


    Thank you DarkKefka - a brilliant and dedicated creator.


    On Xion - a very difficult boss, but not impossible. IMO she's definitely the hardest boss in the game and EVEN harder if you haven't gotten the best gear in the game before fighting her. You need VERY specific gear to increase your chances of winning, and more specifics on that later..


    The oathkeeper is kind of silly - don't understand the purpose of it especially since this is the "last boss".