The Bestiary: Enemy/Boss Discussion & Bug Reports
03 July 2015 - 09:33 AM
03 July 2015 - 10:31 PM
hobojobos, on 03 July 2015 - 09:33 AM, said:
There is actually an MP Plus in the game, but it's not in stores now. It's sitting in the Left-Down path of the Northern Crater. HP Plus remains AWOL because it's a pain balancing enemy attacks (and the characters themselves) when character HP can potentially be sitting anywhere between 3000 and 9999 ,_,
And it's only a tiny little bit of MP that they drain

21 July 2015 - 09:42 AM
After riding the snowboard down the mountain, I got into a fight with the wolves (name escapes me at the moment).
It was a pre-emptive attack, and I led with Yuffie attacking with Beta. They didn't die, then my time bar said WAIT, and nothing happened.
I could attempt to run, but never actually escaped. I couldn't select anything, and the enemies didn't attack at all.
21 July 2015 - 10:50 AM
FierceHawk, on 21 July 2015 - 09:42 AM, said:
After riding the snowboard down the mountain, I got into a fight with the wolves (name escapes me at the moment).
It was a pre-emptive attack, and I led with Yuffie attacking with Beta. They didn't die, then my time bar said WAIT, and nothing happened.
I could attempt to run, but never actually escaped. I couldn't select anything, and the enemies didn't attack at all.
Sounds like they're missing an attack in their animation list. It's easily fixed, so I'll get it patched just now. Although little curious about what it might be; as far as I know, their three attacks are functioning unless a fourth got mixed up in there somehow. I'll have a look at the other glacier encounters; I shrunk them down in the scene.bin which maybe caused some problems with attacks.
Edit: Seems like it's not so straightforward. The Icicle Wolves don't seem to have any irregularities in their AI or attacks and I couldn't replicate the problem either when I swept them out with Ifrit. Maybe it's something to do with Beta instead, or maybe the revive AI they have can trip up under certain conditions; still investigating.
21 July 2015 - 07:52 PM
Edit: Just happened again. This time it was in a fight with a Snow and a strangely floating insect monster. Went through most of the fight without a hitch, then it happened. Both times the bug happened in the same zone. I would land by the tree, go up and get sneak attack, touch the springs, return to the big intersection and the take the path down towards the cave. Both times the first fight in that zone is what gave me this bug.
Edit2: This time is happened with the 2 wolves again, but the screen outside the ice lady cave. Can't find a commonality. This time the first action the wolf took glitched it. I couldn't even run away in time.

21 July 2015 - 09:25 PM
Sega Chief, on 03 July 2015 - 10:31 PM, said:
And it's only a tiny little bit of MP that they drain

Given how Barret's Missing Score uses AP to determine power and how we're currently missing the AP sink that used to be KOTR (due to summons now being one-stars and all that), why not make the HP/MP/Stat Materia's use KOTR's old AP setup, and then only make one copy of each Materia available for use? The AP requirements for leveling them up would limit their immediate use without a lot of time and effort invested in them, and it would give Missing Score something beefier to use for its power rating.
21 July 2015 - 11:05 PM
Robo Jesus, on 21 July 2015 - 09:25 PM, said:
Because in that case you'd have to balance around them being maxed, because if you don't, you're going to have people circumventing the balancework that went into those bosses, and doing this punishes the player and makes grinding almost required.
It's just much easier for everyone if they're gone.
Grinding should never be a counterbalance for leaving stuff like that in the game. Broken is broken.
22 July 2015 - 05:06 AM
Brims, on 21 July 2015 - 07:52 PM, said:
Edit: Just happened again. This time it was in a fight with a Snow and a strangely floating insect monster. Went through most of the fight without a hitch, then it happened. Both times the bug happened in the same zone. I would land by the tree, go up and get sneak attack, touch the springs, return to the big intersection and the take the path down towards the cave. Both times the first fight in that zone is what gave me this bug.
Edit2: This time is happened with the 2 wolves again, but the screen outside the ice lady cave. Can't find a commonality. This time the first action the wolf took glitched it. I couldn't even run away in time.

Sounds like the Glacier area is in trouble. I'll compare each attack to a default scene.bin to make sure all the attack indexes, anims, etc. are correct and double-check all the formation data. I think the wolf formation I fought was the 3x wolves rather than the two, so I'll look for the 2x and the Snow battles. Worst comes to worst, I'll reload the original battles for that area back into the scene.bin and then adjust the AI and attacks manually.
@Robo Jesus
The problem with Plus Materia is that it's tough to predict stats when they're about. A 120 Magic/Dex/Luck stat can very easily leap up to 255 with just two of them; same with HP, which makes enemy attacks tricky to get right for the most part (like Advent mentioned).
As for a high AP count to try and balance their effects off, there's two problems there; first one is that I set up high AP yields in the Crater on Disc 3 to eliminate lengthy AP grinding, and second is that high AP could create a scenario where Missing Score can land physical attacks of 9999 (outside of Limit Breaks); there's quite a lot of Materia with a good chunk of AP going on them, even without KOTR, so the assets are there to get it hitting hard...just not 9999 hard.
Because the thing about physical attacks is that they're a) free to use with no MP cost, b) they're quick in animation and execution, and c) they get boosted by materia like Added Cut, Double-Cut, Slash-All, etc. If the 4x-Cut is landing about 2500-3000 a hit, which is what I roughly aimed for with the Ultimate Weapons, at it's upper limits then Magic can keep pace thanks to W-Magic, multi-hit spells, Quadra, etc.
22 July 2015 - 08:10 AM
Edit: I had this elaborate opening for this post worked out where I was going to mention wolves in sheep's clothing until I realised it was the wrong way round :I
22 July 2015 - 08:18 AM
Sega Chief, on 22 July 2015 - 08:10 AM, said:
An Ice Golem wearing the skin of an Icicle Wolf..
22 July 2015 - 08:22 AM
Advent, on 22 July 2015 - 08:18 AM, said:
Ice Golems, robots in disguise.
Apply that hotfix patch in the exact same way as the main installer; just run it, direct it to the data folder, and it should just patch right over.
23 July 2015 - 12:36 AM
Sega Chief, on 22 July 2015 - 05:06 AM, said:
The problem with Plus Materia is that it's tough to predict stats when they're about. A 120 Magic/Dex/Luck stat can very easily leap up to 255 with just two of them; same with HP, which makes enemy attacks tricky to get right for the most part (like Advent mentioned).
As for a high AP count to try and balance their effects off, there's two problems there; first one is that I set up high AP yields in the Crater on Disc 3 to eliminate lengthy AP grinding, and second is that high AP could create a scenario where Missing Score can land physical attacks of 9999 (outside of Limit Breaks); there's quite a lot of Materia with a good chunk of AP going on them, even without KOTR, so the assets are there to get it hitting hard...just not 9999 hard.
Because the thing about physical attacks is that they're a) free to use with no MP cost, b) they're quick in animation and execution, and c) they get boosted by materia like Added Cut, Double-Cut, Slash-All, etc. If the 4x-Cut is landing about 2500-3000 a hit, which is what I roughly aimed for with the Ultimate Weapons, at it's upper limits then Magic can keep pace thanks to W-Magic, multi-hit spells, Quadra, etc.
Hmm, that makes sense.
Though I have to ask, are Carbon Bangles supposed to be giving me four materia slots? I just noticed that the Carbon Bangles I've been morphing have one more slot than the description in the Mod Database Document, and before you ask, there are no other mods on my version here, and I've been playing from a new game (though I just added the patch for the Ice Wolves issue, but the four materia slots with the carbon bangle thing was before I added the patch). So is the document out of date, or did something screw up here?
23 July 2015 - 05:25 AM
Robo Jesus, on 23 July 2015 - 12:36 AM, said:
Though I have to ask, are Carbon Bangles supposed to be giving me four materia slots? I just noticed that the Carbon Bangles I've been morphing have one more slot than the description in the Mod Database Document, and before you ask, there are no other mods on my version here, and I've been playing from a new game (though I just added the patch for the Ice Wolves issue, but the four materia slots with the carbon bangle thing was before I added the patch). So is the document out of date, or did something screw up here?
The database is a little out of date; I've made small tweaks here and there to equipment and spells since 1.3 was first released. I'm working on updating both it and the Readme at the moment.
23 July 2015 - 06:19 PM
So yeah, saying something about it here.
24 July 2015 - 06:01 AM
Robo Jesus, on 23 July 2015 - 06:19 PM, said:
So yeah, saying something about it here.
Yeah, someone mentioned that on Qhimm I think. That was a debugging thing I put in quick to check my new variables for the Rank Up system, because I was at Fort Condor when I realised the ones in use were bugged/already being used. I forgot to take it out when I was done; it should be harmless, and I think it'll stop displaying altogether once a certain character reaches a certain Rank.
24 July 2015 - 03:12 PM
24 July 2015 - 05:18 PM
TheSkyCaptin, on 24 July 2015 - 03:12 PM, said:
For that fight, it's a very good idea to maintain Barrier and MBarrier in order to soak up the damage, maybe having Barret use this as the magic stat doesn't affect the duration/effectiveness of Barriers. As for the status, it's Paralysis rather than Stop which doesn't last as long. The trick to telling whether it's Paralysis or Stop is watching to see if the character adopts their 'critical' idle stance; if they go down on one knee then it's Paralysis, if they freeze in place while standing then it's Stop. Your ATB determines how effective these two statuses are; on a slow Wait ATB, they tend to last longer but will wear off very quickly on a fast Active ATB.