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Posts posted by Iejirisk

  1. 49 minutes ago, rpschamp said:

    Good choice. Also, Dark Lise has the same debuffs as Dark Hawk so you're not missing out :-)

    One of the things I love about this game is the personality of the characters. Some of them inspire love, others hate, but at least they inspire! I feel like Square did a decent job here providing a variety of personalities for players to work with.

    Woo, just beat the full metal hugger after a bit of trial and error. Still struggling to wrap my head around the fast/strong attacks though I admit. Seems like no matter what I do I attack like I would in vanilla and don't see any AT showing up n whatnot.  Also being stubborn and playing on hard. Frustrating, yet I like how winning even basic mob fights can feel rewarding since you can't just bumrush it lol.

  2. My issue is Kevin is just my alltime favorite character and usually try to include him in every party just about. Trying to do something different as I don't often do his dark side classes, but I've never touched dervish I admit, hence this run. I think I'll go with the  Dervish/Paladin/Dragonmaster  as I've never really played around with Lise before (wierd I know. Though my parties were usually kevin/charlotte and whoever i wanted for the story so I was never really lacking for support).  I'll definitely let you know how the moon saber/ anti magic works when I eventually get there haha.  Thank you again for the tip on duran's turn undead + his final weapon! That was definitely something I had overlooked when reading the docs.

  3. 5 hours ago, rpschamp said:



    5 hours ago, Nesouk said:


    Didn't expect responses so soon haha, thank you! My issue with angela and charlotte are unfortunately the characters themselves, not their classes. They just annoy the crap out of me personally. The main reason I was looking at lord originally was because of his final weapon with the whole counter state on L2/3 which sounded nice, but the opinions on paladin definitely sound nice to the point you made me sway that way haha.  Last bit being dragonmaster vs dark hawk (i like both options there)  are super tempting.  The anti-magic combined with moon saber just sounds perfect to be honest and something I'd love to try, though having access to hawk's debuffs are also rather nice sounding. Id assume i'd have to depend on duran more for anti-magic if i went with hawk.  There's a lot more nuances to this mod than I first expected, but in the end it just makes me even more excited for it since it's putting a fresh spin on what has been my favorite game for a long time.

  4. I got the mana collection on the switch and was...more than disappointed that none of the bugs were fixed which prompted me to go on the hunt for the rom heh. Came across the sin of mana and have been loving it so far. Struggling with a party I want to try though after all of the research on the mod itself.  So far I really want to run a Dervish. Always used god hand in the base game, looking for something different.  Trying my best to avoid angela and charlotte, which limits my options a decent bit.  At first I was thinking Lord(or Paladin maybe)/Starlancer as partners for my Dervish run, though I'm wondering how much one would miss the stat debuffs aside what the dervish gets. Any suggestions?