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Posts posted by Avellion

  1. 45 minutes ago, raics said:

    Thanks for the feedback, good to hear you had fun.

    I had certain reasons for picking those specific status effects, like daggers doing hamstrings or poison being suitable for the defensive nature of fists. Some of those could be shifted around and it would make more sense to some and less to others, but overall it wouldn't really bring anything new to the table, and people are used to these by now so I probably won't be making major shifts to them.

    It's probably good that I'm hearing about so many different favorite classes, some swear that knights are the best unit, some say it's warlocks or beasts, for some it's clerics or familiars, or maybe still ninja. A lot of those depend heavily on your personal approach and it's nice that the game accommodates different playstyles. Archers could be made a bit less dodgy, though, sometimes they can be a bit annoying to chase down.

    Thanks for making the mod.

    That makes sense. I just got a bit confused at first about the hammers not being the one that inflicted breach. But I have gotten used to it by now. Hey, in Mount and Blade: Warband, Axes would completely wreck shields.

    I think everyone having different favorite classes is a sign of good balance. I like the Berserker a lot for its consistently high damage, TP regen and battering ram capabilities with Berserk, but new classes are impressing me when I see them. I think I would have liked Sword Masters a lot had they not joined at level 1, at the very end of chapter 3. Archers are good for supporting fire, and dealing high damage to high priority foes whom my melee fighters can't reach very easily. The Warrior class is looking extremely promising, the buffs you have given 2 handed weapons, means 2 handers are now actually worth using (too heavy and slow in base game with not enough payoff). Double attack with a 2 handed weapon, is something I could see deal an absurd amount of situational burst damage, when needed. Such as to quickly burst down a boss, before healers get a chance to heal them back up.

    My strategy is to either turtle or assassinate the boss, whichever looks the most likely to clear me a mission without casualties. Archers and berserkers, are of course really good for this. I should try out beast units more, I was really disappointed in vanilla when my 2 dragons just completely fell off.

  2. Good mod overall, definitely improves on Vanilla's biggest flaws. I am currently in Chapter 4, so I will lay down some of my thoughts.

    Scaling is vastly improved. While lowbies (level 1s) still cannot do any damage, they CAN support in other ways such as item usage, as they are no longer instagibbed, or support magic.

    The archetype system makes the game significantly more challenging, as your enemies will no longer come with counterproductive base stats. The much reduced stat gains also means your units wont melt everything by chapter 4.

    I love the secondary effects on weapons, as it adds a lot of variety. But I cant really say I agree with all of them. I would change some of them

    Dagger: Bind -> Poisoned
    Fists: Poisoned -> Stunned
    Axe: Breached -> Bind
    Hammer: Stunned -> Breached

    Archers are still slightly too strong, but with TO's damage formula it could be hard to nerf them, instead if you could, I would have their evasion slightly nerfed. As my 2 archers are currently doubling as dodge tanks. I might consider ranking my impressions of every class once I beat the game. But for now, Berserkers, Archers and Matriarchs seem like the 3 most powerful, but the balance is solid enough that nothing is so strong it makes everything else obsolete. On a tier list, everything would be ranging from A to C (as well as a special Est tier for classes that arrive too late to contribute).