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Posts posted by RogueYun

  1. I picked up a the 1.9.0 version of this and absolutely love what you have done! I hope I can provide some good insight on how my personal experience (and possibly others) can be improved.

    • Please keep translations as faithful, clean, and new player friendly as possible.
      • This is the kind of game I use to teach my nephews to read. A good clean translation makes that job easier. Aside from that your translation work is spot on! Great job! I'm constantly roaring with laughter on my end. Clean New World for the win! (Guess that makes me a coward :P)
    • Some Notes on Difficulty
      • Some wonderful things have been done to improve monster and character diversity. Superb job! I want each character to feel useful and important. That being said, I don't enjoy the death count it is taking me to learn new things (not to mention the RNG deaths). Here are a couple thoughts on how to make the experience less painful for a new player like me.
        • Limit how often you make a mob completely invincible to certain damage types. Instead make them resistant to half or quarter the amount of damage. Monsters should generally (only) be invincible to a damage type if it is at least somewhat visibly apparent to help prepare the player instead of punishing them for something they couldn't possibly have known.
        • Sometimes it is still fun to brute force a fight even if it isn't the best option. I don't want to take away from your diversity but I do want to encourage that sense of awesomeness that one feels in doing a difficult thing, as I did in FFX when I was first able to use Tidus to kill Flans.
        • Mobs that are invincible (though admittedly sometimes necessary) are not fun. And I would extend this to elemental immunities. Every little bit of damage helps and it is much nicer to say in our minds "Ah! He has resistances to fire!" instead of "Well, those spell points went for nothing."
      • Party Wipes are not fun and death by RNG should be done away with as much as possible. I was only able to get a couple hours into the game before I just had to take a break. I couldn't level/grind at all (probably purposeful) because every two to three encounters I was getting wiped and often it was completely unpreventable.
        • I recommend making mobs have 25-33% of their main damage type. If I make a mistake I want to say "Ouch, that hurt!" And then crawl back to town and buy more dried meat. Often I found myself saying, "Whelp, gotta save again cause I'm probably going to die next encounter." (Saving every encounter is not that fun) orĀ  while going through a dungeon, "Darn! Lost everything from those last three encounters and I have to start the whole cave over!" Players want to feel rewarded for their time and effort. Even if it is just a little bit. Having it all taken away over and over again is kind of punishing.
        • Make the player hurt! Make the player work hard! Make the player try new things or suffer pain! These are all challenges to the player and encourage him/her to be better. But try not to make the player feel robbed or cheated out of their time and that their "work" was for nothing.

    I hope you take this bit if criticism as well as possible. These are the only things that I can see that seem to be holding me back from having the enjoyable experience I believe you guys want me to have. It really is a great job you are doing and I am finding this version MUCH more fun than that of the original game.

    You are my heroes. Definitely sharing this with my oldschool friends. Thank you for all your hard work!

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