Super Mario RPG: Armageddon

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Downloads section for the Super Mario RPG: Armageddon mod.

1 file

  1. Super Mario RPG: Armageddon

    Super Mario RPG: Armageddon is a difficulty and content mod for Super Mario RPG.  It rebalances the entire game and adds a lot more post-game content, such as more FF bosses, two boss rushes, and even some special guests!
    Version 10 has a Normal mode and a Hard mode.
     - If you want to beat the game, play the normal version!
     - If you've beaten the normal version and want to question your sanity, suffer at the hands of the hard version!
    It is not recommended to try to switch between versions in the middle.
    Note: Be warned that Hard mode is insanely hard, and it is highly recommended to play Normal first.
    Patches should only be applied to a legally obtained 1999 US version of the ROM.  Compatible with SNES9x 1.53+.
    View the readme for more information, including links to the discord and wiki!


       (2 reviews)



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