Tactics Ogre: One Vision 1.09

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About This File

TO: LUCT is no doubt one of the classics of turn based tactical games, it can boast complex storyline with a memorable cast of characters and multiple endings, as well as a deep combat system with a vast arsenal of equipment, items and spells. Its PSP port can also serve as an example of how such things should be done, with the game getting not only a much needed facelift but also a thorough redesign of most combat elements.

Sadly, the game isn’t without faults, as some of the new features make it extremely prone to exploits which an experienced player can use to fully remove any challenge from the game. The main goal of this mod is to render such exploits more difficult, bringing weapons, classes and skills closer to the level they should perform at, as well as to each other. Its secondary goal is to provide tweaks to immersion, visuals and some of the more cumbersome game systems like crafting and endless skill farming.

This is still a work in progress so all feedback is welcome.


For installation instructions and more info check the included Readme file.


Major features:

  • Weapon, armor and consumable item rework. Equipment is more likely to do what you expect of it, 2H weapons will do a lot of damage and a tank in heavy armor will be hard to kill.
  • Additional items, spells and skills, as well as changes to the existing ones with a focus on improving the more unappealing choices.
  • Skills that grant stat bonuses, like Strengthen or Spellcraft, as well as static choices like Switfoot or Spell Ward were removed and compensated with higher stat differences between classes than in vanilla game.
  • A full Finishing move rebalance.
  • Most ways of gaining permanent stats were removed to reduce power creep in late game and increase options during early game.
  • The power of special characters was reduced across the board, they're about on par with each other now and not overwhelmingly stronger than generics.
  • Generic characters have more diverse templates that split into fighter, rogue, mage and generalist archetypes, their stats can differ a lot depending on which one you hire.
  • Significantly increased the levelling speed of slow skills, like Steal or Parry.
  • Most classes were tweaked, with emphasis on nerfing the strong ones and buffing the weak, many gained new tricks.
  • Monsters don't scale natural armor as high as before. With the changes to skills, their new role is high HP bullet sponges that take a lot of damage and use the TP gained to spam special moves.
  • Many items are easier to acquire, reducing the endgame tedium.
  • Visual changes to some items, special characters, skills and spells.
  • Streamlined crafting.


Consolidated changelist available in feedback thread.

What's New in Version 1.09   See changelog


Patch notes v1.09



-  The damage formula has been rebalanced to favor offensive stats, giving the percentage bonuses a more consistent base to work with, as opposed to often doing nothing unless the stat difference is very high

-  This also means that there's less need for more spell tiers, as the basic damage spells will stay usable for longer and be a good way to save MP even at high levels

-  There's also no need for the global VIT reduction that was done as a temporary measure anymore, so all VIT values were restored, usually at the expense of offfensive stats. These values will not update for characters you already recruited

-  Some unintuitive discrepancies were fixed, like weapons adding more ATK than displayed, shields adding less DEF than displayed , or getting different amounts of stat bonus from gear than from base and class stats

-  There are now four attack damage formulas in the game that scale as follows:

-  Strength favored: 1.2 offense per point of STR, 0.6 per point of DEX

-  Dexterity favored: 1.2 offense per point of DEX, 0.6 per point of STR

-  Mind favored: 1.2 offense per point of MND, 0.6 per point of INT, this is affected by spellcraft/feeblemind instead of strengthen/weaken

-  Bash: 1.2 offense per point of VIT, 0.6 per point of STR, also adds your shield DEF and half of DEF in both armor slots as extra ATK

-  Defense from attacks now scales at 1 toughness per point of VIT and 0.5 per point of STR, this is the same for mind scaling weapons

-  Weapon skill rank still adds 4 offense per point but it doesn't provide extra toughness versus the same weapon anymore. There are too many weapon types to equip this with a specific purpose so it's mostly felt in gameplay as randomly doing less damage, which wasn't ideal

-  All attack damage is now increased by slash/crush/pierce bonuses on jewelry, previously it affected only STR weapons

-  Spell damage now gets 1.4 spell power per point of INT, 0.7 per point of MND

-  Defense from spells now scales at 1 resilience per point of RES and 0.5 per point of MND

-  Spell damage will now also be increased by the slash/crush/pierce bonuses on jewelry if the spell deals that type of damage

-  There's also a dedicated Raw damage formula now, it gets 0.1 damage from STR/DEX/INT/MND, but no core stat defends from it. It's also affected by augments (if elemental), racial skills, petrify, pain aura, elemental and racial resists or aversions, but all of those apply at half value

-  Augment skills now add 6 offense/spell power per rank and add the same amount of toughness/resilience versus the same element, both numbers are higher to reinforce the character's alignment with the chosen element as the damage taken will be notably lower

-  Racial skills now add 8 offense/spell power per rank but don't provide any toughness/resilience bonus. The latter normally won't matter because defensive bonuses are bugged so the racial skill access has been restricted to classes unavailable to the race, which could now be relaxed, and if someone cheats a character into a banned class, the skills won't behave in an unintended manner anymore

-  Petrify will now add 50% attack/spell damage resistance to the target instead of 100%

-  Strengthen will now add 20% attack damage bonus, Weaken will reduce it by 30%

-  Fortify will now add 20% attack resistance, Breach will reduce it by 30%

-  Spellcraft will now add 20% spell damage bonus, Feeblemind will reduce it by 30%

-  Resilient will now add 20% spell resistance, Rupture will reduce it by 30%

-  Pain aura will now reduce the target's attack/spell damage resistance by 20% instead of 50%

-  Resist [element] will now add 80% elemental resistance

-  [Element] averse will now reduce elemental resistance by 40%, trying to match the aversion is much more rewarding now

-  These changes are pretty extensive and likely won't feel exactly the way they should right away, but we'll eventually get there

-  Balxephon's lines in act 3 where he says to Denam 'you killed mu liege' have been corrected to say that Denam killed his own liege

-  Xadoba in PotD floor 3 story battle will now drop some Enchanter marks so you can start training the class earlier



-  Baldur weapons have no undead racial bonus on top of their hidden anti-undead double scaling because it was too much with the new formula, those weapons will now display the undead racial icon with no bonus so they will be easier to tell apart from weapons that just have an undead damage bonus. This doesn't apply to endgame sidegrade 1h hammers which still have their bonus vs other races as well as the anti-undead scaling but they're easy to identify by their MND bonus

-  Dex weapons have less of a gap in damage bonus to Str weapons, as they don't have a higher scaling formula anymore so there's no need to penalize them as much

-  Weapon classes that use the new mind/int formula will have the [FOCUS] tag

-  Damage bonuses, racial bonuses and ATK values have been readjusted to make more sense with the new scaling

-  Sidegrade daggers use the MND damage formula

-  Some 1h swords have changed places in lower level weapon list so Rapier could be moved to level 16 and potentially last you a longer time, it also has a 2h sidegrade

-  Fandango and Oracion have been changed to the rapier subtype

-  Shaytan's Bulova inflicts Curse on hit

-  2h Katana sidegrades get to keep their deflect bonus

-  Caster staves now use the MND damage formula, quarterstaff sidegrades still scale with STR

-  Iron Staff is now a quarterstaff sidegrade, that early the casters won't miss one upgrade tier much and it will be easier to start using staves with classes that can only use quarterstaves, or don't have good caster stats

-  Elemental staves are back to the opposing element aversion system instead of cyclic

-  Spellbooks and Instruments use the MND damage formula

-  Added Blindside, a 1-2 range innate melee attack that throws dust in target's eyes to do 1 damage with a chance inflict Falsestrike on hit, it's mostly available on ranged or tricksy classes

-  Replaced the Hex innate ranged attack with Bane, a light element ranged attack with Mind anti-undead scaling and a chance to inflict Breach on hit, it's mostly available on divine casters that use projectile spells

-  Classes that had Hex as innate ranged attack got Malediction instead, which also has mnd scaling and inflicts Rupture instead of Wither




-  Armor resistances are a little higher

-  Light and heavy armor has a bit of elemental resistance

-  Heavy accessories and shields are a bit lighter

-  DEF and VIT bonuses on armor aren't penalized anymore

-  Shields now have their own bash damage formula that uses their DEF so most of them don't have an ATK score. Special shields like Main Gauche or Power Fist still have their usual scaling, and orbs use Mind scaling

-  Flame and Void has -1 weight instead of 1, as a nod to SNES orbs

-  Warrior's Band and Defender's Band have been removed, they had a lot of overlap with core stat rings



-  Class stats have been adjusted for the new scaling

-  Rogue can transfer the Cudgels skill from other classes and use the quarterstaff sidegrade, it's one of the suboptimal choices but it's an incospicuous weapon that would make sense for a rogue

-  Princess can use Instruments

-  Lord can also use Instruments, strictly for bonking, Denam still can't carry a tune to save his life

-  Shaman gets Blood Magic instead of Meditate, and Field Alchemy I, as it was the only mage that couldn't use intermediate items

-  Golemsbane can be learned earlier


Spells and Abilities

-  Spells have been reverted to the opposing element aversion system, air - earth, lightning - water, fire - ice, light - dark. It's a pretty nice gameplay mechanic and it was hard to use with the cyclic system, it was done to match the prevailing element system but it was discovered that it works only for light and dark, so there's no point in matching it anymore

-  Most buffs that lasted 6 turns will now last 5 turns

-  Projectile IV spells have been removed, the other ones were spread out more as there's no need to have as frequent upgrades. Projectile II now costs 30MP and projectile III is 50

-  Summons I will now cost 80 MP and hit up to 5 times in a very large area but at fixed range, so it's hard to target a single enemy with it. Hitting 1-2 times didn't really work out because in that case the chance seems to be skewed towards hitting only once, approximately 70:30

-  Apocrypha I will now cost 100 MP

-  With the current scaling there's no need for Summon II and Apocrypha II so those have been removed, Summon I will be dropped by the same enemies as Summon II previously was. Primal orbs will likely be removed at a later date and Apocrypha scrolls will drop directly

-  Decay doesn't do direct damage anymore, it still inflicts poison and weaken

-  Decay II has been removed

-  Draconic damage spells now have MND scaling, just like spellbooks or instruments and are also affected by spellcraft/feeblemind. They still count as attack damage so they're defended from with vit/str, fortify and so on

-  Barren Soul and Acid Cloud also have MND scaling

-  Ogumo I/II/III will hit 1-3 times again

-  Grenades now have Raw damage scaling

-  Ahriman minor finisher will now inflict Curse instead of Wither

-  Heartbreaker finisher now converts damage done into MP

-  Lament of the Dead now inflicts Curse and Weaken instead of Fear and TP damage

-  Intimidate now has a 60% chance to remove half of target's TP instead of inflicting Weaken

-  Righteous Fire and Storm Brand don't inflict Breach anymore, it's a bit much now that elemental averse is more impactful

-  Shadowbreak, Fusrodah and Conviction use the Raw damage formula



-  Arcana for Projectile IV, Summon II, Apocrypha II and Decay II have been removed

-  Arcana for Projectile III and Summon I has been removed from the shops

-  Thaumaturgy Arcana can now also be bought in Deneb's shop

-  Treatise on Seduction can now also be bought in Deneb's shop

-  High level elemental temple boss story battles will drop 1 primal orb, same as the low level one



-  New saves made on the modded game will now have different icons. Big thanks to Gibbed for adding these to game resources

-  Saves will also have the version of the mod in their description. To clarify, these two changes are purely cosmetic, all hard saves can still be used on any version of the mod or the vanilla game without issues, no matter what they look like or what their text says



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