Tactics Ogre: One Vision 1.07

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About This File

TO: LUCT is no doubt one of the classics of turn based tactical games, it can boast complex storyline with a memorable cast of characters and multiple endings, as well as a deep combat system with a vast arsenal of equipment, items and spells. Its PSP port can also serve as an example of how such things should be done, with the game getting not only a much needed facelift but also a thorough redesign of most combat elements.

Sadly, the game isn’t without faults, as some of the new features make it extremely prone to exploits which an experienced player can use to fully remove any challenge from the game. The main goal of this mod is to render such exploits more difficult, bringing weapons, classes and skills closer to the level they should perform at, as well as to each other. Its secondary goal is to provide tweaks to immersion, visuals and some of the more cumbersome game systems like crafting and endless skill farming.

This is still a work in progress so all feedback is welcome.


For installation instructions and more info check the included Readme file.


Major features:

  • Weapon, armor and consumable item rework. Equipment is more likely to do what you expect of it, 2H weapons will do a lot of damage and a tank in heavy armor will be hard to kill.
  • Additional items, spells and skills, as well as changes to the existing ones with a focus on improving the more unappealing choices.
  • Skills that grant stat bonuses, like Strengthen or Spellcraft, as well as static choices like Switfoot or Spell Ward were removed and compensated with higher stat differences between classes than in vanilla game.
  • A full Finishing move rebalance.
  • Most ways of gaining permanent stats were removed to reduce power creep in late game and increase options during early game.
  • The power of special characters was reduced across the board, they're about on par with each other now and not overwhelmingly stronger than generics.
  • Generic characters have more diverse templates that split into fighter, rogue, mage and generalist archetypes, their stats can differ a lot depending on which one you hire.
  • Significantly increased the levelling speed of slow skills, like Steal or Parry.
  • Most classes were tweaked, with emphasis on nerfing the strong ones and buffing the weak, many gained new tricks.
  • Monsters don't scale natural armor as high as before. With the changes to skills, their new role is high HP bullet sponges that take a lot of damage and use the TP gained to spam special moves.
  • Many items are easier to acquire, reducing the endgame tedium.
  • Visual changes to some items, special characters, skills and spells.
  • Streamlined crafting.


Consolidated changelist available in feedback thread.

What's New in Version 0.970d   See changelog


Patch notes v0.970d



-  Added a fix for an obscure bug that changed the female icons in the class list to male ones whenever Lindl changed into that class


-  Fixed the augment fire bonus on goddess unleashed

-  Fixed the element and racial bonus on Valkenheim


-  The Bodysnatch effect on Phylactery is a bit special, so it can’t consume an item. Phylactery was therefore made unique so it doesn’t accumulate useless extra copies

-  Elixir can be used on other units now, so you can restore lives to monsters too



Patch notes v0.970c



-  Added a fix for the Data Install issue, found by gibbed. The installation has an extra step now, but you won’t have to be careful about doing a data install from the game by accident or worrying if you did it already, the data will just get ignored and the mod will work properly

-  Fixed some text errors


-  Two-Handed weapons have a lower RT cost, it should probably be cheaper than attacking twice with an equivalent 1H weapon


-  Monsters were adjusted a bit more, they will still be scary early on, just not quite as scary

Spells and Abilites

-  Minor buffs granted by widely available skills like Trueflight from Trajectory or Strengthen from Siege will now last significantly shorter than same buffs granted by spells or class-specific abilities

-  Mute now affects an area (forgot to mention that in previous patch notes)

-  Conviction and Iron Maiden got 1 extra range (forgot to mention that too)

-  Conserve MP cost lowered to 30TP and 10RT

-  Forsaken Kiss TP cost lowered to 50

-  All breath abilities except Bad Breath have 1 extra range




-  Ranger lost access to Bullseye, with that and his own version of sneak attack plus booby trap he had too many rogue skills. He got Double Shot instead, his melee setup is strong so he needed a powerful ranged ability to provide a tempting alternative. He lost access to fusils as the ability doesn’t work with them anyway so they would be a bit of a trap choice, there are other unique classes now that can use them




-  Crafting books and materials will now be available at the start of chapter 2 when the game mentions crafting, you won’t be able to do much with them at that point yet but it’s probably better to add them then







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