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Everything posted by NiccSucc

  1. Cyan is just easy to use and a fantastic nuke character - I just would like for Tempest to have a targeting option. I get Flurry having pseudo-random targeting thanks to the strength of Muddle - hell, I spent long parts of the game spamming it just because of how damn good it is - but Tempest being allowed to target would alleviate Cyan's main issue which is a lack of good multi-target damaging options. Eclipse is fine, but I still find its damage lacking - the main utility being Blind is fantastic, BTW. Overall, just change around some equipment options and maybe make some changes to Tempest. Oh yeah, also change around his Esper options, please. Kirin as a summon is ok and the magic power helps a bit with Wind God Cyan/healing as a last resort, but Crusader/Bismark have zero value being equipped to Cyan, auto-reflect is nice but a very niche setup that doesn't really warrant the fact that you can't properly use multi-target healing on him unless you also bring Strago. He would really like something like Unicorn, Alexander or Tritoch/Bahamut. Hell, he could be the second Bahamut user after Relm, after all, thanks to his very low Magic he wouldn't be doing anything silly with Meteo/Flare. Though I would really appreciate something like Unicorn for WoB instead. The only time I equipped something other than Kirin was when I used Cyan against Blue Dragon and the entire slog through the Ancient Castle cave. edit: Nice to see that Murasame is available in WoB, I was just an idiot.
  2. Gau: Rage Against The MagiTek

    Started playing blind, and now I'm down to everything except a few Colosseum wagers, secrets missing from the WOB and the entire Kefka tower thing, which I'm honestly fine with, I can discover the secrets latter. However, concerning Gau here, I'm finding out that I'm missing the Kudzu and Locust rages - you just spend so very little time outside Esper Mountain that IMO, it doesn't make sense to not have an island in the WoR where you can find said rages. Same for formations like Stray Cat, Raven or WoB permanently missable formations. He's such a fantastic source of cheap AOE damage with Io and Behemoth, and a nice nuker with 3X Attack rages and the Bone Club/Power Glove. I just find it a bit irksome how I'm missing these two just because I didn't hang around Esper Mountain enough, I guess. As for Esper builds, I went 50/50. Gau certainly appreciates the speed, but since the guy is really damn frail I found myself going for Stray just to enable Gau to dodge all the magic crap thrown at him. Overall, a very enjoyable character, I just would like if he was a lot less random - maybe add a way in later updates so you can control at least what Gau is targeting or what attack he's using? Or maybe a way to switch Rages - all three of these are fine options and I would be fine with any of them excluding each other - after all, we don't Gau to break open the game, but a bit of reliability for boss fights like Hidon, Wrexsoul would go a long way. IMO, just enabling him to target something would go a long way.